How To Perform Bulgarian Split Squats

Bulgarian split squats are an excellent single leg squat exercise, and they're also very challenging.

So to do this we're going to use an incline surface, such as a stool, a bench, or a chair.

To get in the right position, we're going to sit down onto our object first. Then we're going to extend out our left leg.

So we'll actually do the left leg first and then we'll press up. Now putting all of our weight onto this foot we're going to lean forward and extend this back leg and put that back foot right on top.

We're then going to make a straight line so the back is fully straight in the spine while engaging the core. We're going to breathe in as we go down, bringing that right knee down and exhaling as we go up.

We're looking to feel the engagement in the left quad and the left glute. And once we're finished on one side, we'll bring the right leg to meet the left leg.

We're then going to take a breath, get centered, get balanced, and put our weight onto the right leg and foot. We're then going to step back, bringing that left leg back behind us.

Again engaging the core, being straight throughout the spine, all the way from the lower spine to the head. We're then going to breathe in as we go down, bringing that left knee down and exhaling as we go up, feeling it in the quads and in the glutes.

When we're finished, we'll bring that left leg back up to meet the right foot. Repeat for reps!

Much love!

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