February so far has been a month of Procrastination and staying up late and in bed way too long and so far I have not really managed to turn it around. I keep adding 1 more day for me to make a switch with the plans to go 200% at it but lacking the proper motivation to do so. The idea was to get back to it on Friday but it looks like I will be skipping my lunchbreak hot yoga class with the idea to start on Saturday which makes it exactly 6 weeks until I go on a ski trip which is the time I want to be at peak fitness and around 65kg which should be bvery much achievable if I fully go for it.
Food Diary I made a fresh pizza on Thursday but not from buckwheat and with some mozarella cheese.
Day | Food |
Saturday | Banana / Rice Crackers & Cottage Cheese / Tomato Mozarella |
Sunday | Banana x2 / Brown Rice Noodles x4 / Rice Crackers & Cottage Cheese |
Monday | Banana x2 / Pasta / Ginger Tea |
Tuesday | Big Breakfast |
Wednesday | Bread/ Cheese / Eggs / Butter / Jam |
Thursday | Pancakes x8 / Pizza Margeritha |
Friday | Banana / Mackarel can / Omelet Mozarella / Pizza Peccorino / Candy |
Saturday | Sardines / Buckwheat Pizza / Mais Crackers & Peanut Butter / Candy |
Sunday | Buckwheat Pizza x2 / Mais Crackers & Peanut Butter / Candy |
Monday | Mais Crackers Cottage cheese / Chocolate / Goat Cheese |
Tuesday | Mackerel can x2/Dark Chocolate /Carrots & Peas + Potatoes |
Wednesday | Pizza Margeritha / Ice Cream / Fries & Mayonaise |
Thursday | Greek Pasta with Veggies / M&Ms |
Friday | Chiabatta Bread with Goat Cheese and Honey |
Saturday | Greek pasta with Veggies & Cheese / Chocolates |
Sunday | 2x Buckwheat Pizza Cheese, Chips, Candy |
Monday | Buckwheat Pizza, Sardines x2 / Mcdonalds / Oreos |
Tuesday | Croissant / Rice, curry, veggies / Can Mackarel /Nuts |
Wednesday | 7 sliced Dark Brown Bread with Meat or Peanut Butter / candy |
Thursday | Mais Cracker Peanut Butter / Pizza Pinsa / Tv Sausages / rice porridge |
New Day Goals: I will try to already switch things around today but I'm far from sure that I will succeed as right now it feels like another 'I will start tomorrow'.
Day | Weight | Bed Time | Awake | Food | Other | Day Score |
31 January | 69.4 kg | - | - | - | - | - |
01 February | 69.6 kg | 01:10 | 09:30 | 6.45€ | 0.00€ | 7 |
02 February | 69.9 kg | 00:50 | 08:10 | 2.08€ | 0.00€ | 7 |
03 February | 69.9 kg | 23:50 | 07:50 | 44.15€ | 140.00€ | 8 |
04 February | 69.7 kg | 23:20 | 10:20 | 0.00€ | 0.00€ | 8 |
05 February | 70.5 kg | 00:30 | 09:00 | 15.34€ | 0.00€ | 6 |
06 Februray | 70.9 kg | 00:40 | 09:30 | 6.99€ | 0.00€ | 6 |
07 February | 70.6 kg | 01:00 | 10:30 | 16.27€ | 10.89€ | 7 |
08 February | 71.1 kg | 01:20 | 09:40 | 11.11€ | 0.00€ | 6 |
09 February | 71.3 kg | 01:30 | 11:00 | 7.68€ | 0.00€ | 5 |
10 February | 71.0 kg | 01:30 | 10:10 | 5.24€ | 10.00€ | 7 |
11 February | 71.0 kg | 00:50 | 09:40 | 0.00€ | 0.00€ | 8 |
12 February | 71.5 kg | 00:40 | 08:30 | 10.26€ | 0.00€ | 6 |
13 February | 71.1 kg | 01:30 | 10:10 | 7.48€ | 0.00€ | 6 |
14 February | 70.6 kg | 01:20 | 11:20 | 4.44€ | 0.00€ | 6 |
15 February | 71.2 kg | 01:40 | 10:30 | 2.25€ | 0.00€ | 6 |
16 February | 71.5 kg | 01:30 | 09:40 | 10.31€ | 0.00€ | 6 |
17 February | 71.5 kg | 00:40 | 09:00 | 10.95€ | 0.00€ | 7 |
18 February | 71.7 kg | 01:00 | 09:40 | 1.05€ | 0.00€ | 8 |
19 February | 71.4 kg | 00:50 | 10:00 | 11.92€ | 0.00€ | 7 |
20 February | 72.1 kg | 01:30 | 09:50 | 9.03€ | 0.00€ | 6 |