Life is uncertain and can be scary, especially when it comes to chasing our financial dreams. The biggest hurdle that will keep you from ever breaking out of the paycheck-to-paycheck cycle is your own mind. when we doubt our own ability to achieve, we shoot down our dream before it ever had a chance to fly.
A positive mindset begins with building confidence. Confidence comes from success, but to achieve success we first need to be confident that we can achieve that success. A little backwards right? To get around this chicken or the egg conundrum, you can begin by learning from those who have achieved the success that you dream of. When we have tangible examples of success to model our behaviors after, we can gain a second-hand confidence that can carry us into our own success.
Developing a positive mindset can come from a multitude of causes. However you arrive at a positive mindset, the results will make up for any perceived difficulty in adjusting your mind to prefer the positive over the negative. Having a positive mindset does not equal unrealistic optimism. Instead, it is the view that good results are possible and achievable.
Photo by sydney Rae on Unsplash
When we have a negative mindset, we assume that only negative results occur so why try to fight for positive results? This mindset puts holes in your boat before it leaves shore, you cannot achieve goals that are outside of your regular life if you continue to believe in the same possibilities of your regular life.
To break out from what has already happened in your life, you must have the confidence to believe that something extraordinary is achievable. Once you reach this place of confidence in the extraordinary, no obstacle can stand in your way. What was once a mountain has become a mole hill when you believe that the extraordinary can be your new reality. All the giant companies that have become a part of our regular lives (Amazon, Google, etc.) began as a dream in a regular person’s mind. What made that dream a reality was the belief that that dream could be real, and not stopping when they reached the first roadblock.
Ultimately, you need to believe in your dream more than anybody else. You need to be unshakable in your commitment to making that dream a reality. To get there, you need to begin by building your internal foundation (Confidence) strong and unyielding. Only when your confidence is greater than your doubts will you be able to begin down the road to your dream.