Getting to know people through the books they read 🤠📖. (Eng-Esp)

in Lifestyle5 days ago

My friend Noel Pérez García is a writer who is really impressing me, because he is also taking his role as a cultural promoter very seriously, especially as a promoter of the habit of reading and good literature.

Last week I already talked about how the book club created by him had a silent reading in a city park, just to make a visual impact on passers-by. This past Saturday also started a new initiative, and that is to meet people through the books they read.

This premise seemed like a great idea to me, because writers are always interviewed in bookstores, but the space seeks to give prominence to those of us who are directly confronted with the final product: the book.

As I couldn't miss this event, I arrived at the "Teresa Melo" bookstore and I was surprised to see that the person interviewed would be Renato Arza. I knew his work as a photographer from him, but through the interview I learned that he is also an actor and a broadcaster, although according to him, he only considers himself an apprentice of all these trades.

Renato, guided by Noel's excellent conversation, talked about how he had never seriously read until someone recommended him to read "The Perfume", and since then there was no turning back. In addition, he also read an excerpt from the book, and you can imagine the experience of listening to someone read who has been training his voice for years. It was magnificent!

On the other hand, Noel took the opportunity to talk about the latest book by Francisco López Sacha, author who died relatively recently, who would have been on his birthday precisely this past Saturday. The book "The one that goes with the Light" was one of his last published books, and with the promotion that Noel did, all of us who were there wanted to buy the copy.

And so we are all waiting for the next time this space is held, to continue meeting people through the books they read. I hope you liked this post. Until next time!

This post is AI-free.
The photos used are my property.

*Versión en Español

Mi amigo Noel Pérez García es un escritor que me está impresionando mucho, pues también se está tomando muy en serio su papel como promotor cultural, sobre todo como promotor del hábito de la lectura y de la buena literatura.

La semanan pasada ya hablé sobre cómo el club de lectura creado por él tuvo una lectura en silencio en un parque de la ciudad, solo para causar un impacto visual en los transeúntes. Este pasado sábado también comenzó una nueva iniciativa, y es conocer personas a través de los libros que leen.

Esta premisa me pareció una idea genial, pues siempre en las librerías se entrevistan a los escritores, pero el espacio lo que busca es darle protagonismo a quienes nos enfrentamos directamente al producto final: el libro.

Como no podía perderme este evento, llegué hasta la librería "Teresa Melo" y me sorprendí al ver que la persona entrevistada sería Renato Arza. De él conocía su labor como fotógrafo, pero a través de la entrevista me enteré que es también actor y locutor, aunque según él, solo se considera aprendiz de todos estos oficios.

Renato, guiado por la excelente conversación de Noel, habló sobre cómo nunca había leído seriamente hasta que alguien le recomendó leer "El Perfume", y desde entonces no hubo vuelta atrás. Además, también leyó un fragmento del libro, y pueden imaginarse la experiencia de escuchar leer a alguien que lleva años entrenando su voz. ¡Fue magnífico!

Por otro lado, Noel aprovechó para hablar sobre el último libro de Francisco López Sacha, autor fallecido hace relativamente poco tiempo, quien hubiese estado de cumpleaños precisamente este pasado sábado. El libro "El que va con la luz" fue uno de sus últimos libros publicados, y con la promoción que hizo Noel, todos los que estábamos allí quisimos comprar el ejemplar.

Y así todos nos quedamos esperando a la próxima vez que se realice este espacio, para seguir conociendo personas a través de los libros que leen. Espero que este post les haya gustado. ¡Hasta la próxima!

Este post es libre de IA.
Las fotos utilizadas son de mi propiedad.


Es bueno potenciar espacios vitales como este. Les felicito

What a great idea to have a silent reading club in public places, I love it. It would be great if we all copied it in our countries, it is sad to see the herd of people zombified with the cell phone, and as now everything is fashion, maybe more than one will end up discovering the sweetness of a good reading, even if it is just for fashion.

That's it! One of our objectives is actually to inspire people to do the same, so that it coud become a worldwide wave of readers! Thanks for replying 😊❤️

Cuando existen experiencias así en nuestras ciudades, crecemos todos.
¡Gracias por propiciar que conozcamos estas posibilidades!

Es un honor 😊

Un trabajo excelente el suyo, promover es reconocer el talento en otros. Evidentemente es un artista carismático. Existe además para ti

Muchas gracias Iris 😊❤️

We do it here with good weather. I have the honor for having all readers at home. So when we go out to drink something, we all read enjoying the sun. And you see more and more people doing it. Thanks for sharing, it is an awesome idea

Thank you for sharing your story too 😊

You are very welcome 🙏