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RE: Reading journal

in Lifestyle • last year

It's a great idea, and probably helps you actually take in the information much better, but I could never do it 😂. My wife is all about writing lists and organizing her thoughts, and it helps her so much, it helps me too but I'm way more of a just go for it type. Plus I mostly read sci fi and fiction anyhow. I totally get wanting real books though, I just can't do the digital books for some reason. I've bought and sold small libraries over the years as we've moved countries. The only thing that has drawn me to consider something like a kindle is that it gets expensive buying books all the time, and they can be a pain to get rid of when you can't take them with you. Still, I just love reading paper for some reason.


Yeah with fiction maybe you don't really need to write down unless you really want to keep track of your current thoughts about the book.. reading novels feels like watching a movie so they can come and go from the memory haha. Same with kindle. I mean it's a nice idea to have something you can just open from your phone or the kindle whenever but there's just so much things to consider when you do it like your battery life, notifications, etc etc. So many distractions compared to just reading them from the book. We also don't know what to do with the books once we start moving somewhere, I guess we'll try selling them on Facebook haha

Not even the distractions of the phone and all that, but I also enjoy the feel of the paper. There is a tactile connection with physical books that you just don't get with digital. I've even heard rumours that super rich elite types won't let their kids have smart phones and tablets and that elite schools use paper books because your brain is able to take in the information better from physical print. Not really sure if that's real or not but I know I get way more out of physical books. As for getting rid of them, yeah sell on Facebook marketplace or whatever your local buy/sell thing is, it's worked well for me in the past, but really depends on the book. Obscure stuff is hard to sell, but you could always try used book stores, I've had success with that as well.