[ESP] Domingo feliz, almorzando en familia. [ENG] Happy Sunday, having lunch with the family.

in Lifestyle4 months ago









Hola queridos amigos de #lifestyle, mis domingos últimamente son relajados, la familia de mi esposo se reúnen para almorzar, allí preparan un menú diferente y mi esposo, mis hijos y mi persona nos reunimos para compartir este agradable momento.

Hello dear friends of #lifestyle, my Sundays lately are relaxed, my husband's family gets together for lunch, there they prepare a different menu and my husband, my children and myself We meet to share this pleasant moment.

Mi suegra es quién se encarga de preparar la comida del día, ella cocina exquisito, para este día se dió a la tarea de preparar sopa de carne de res, así que cada domingo tenemos un motivo para compartir en familia.

My mother-in-law is in charge of preparing the food of the day, she cooks exquisitely, for this day she took on the task of preparing beef soup, so every Sunday We have a reason to share as a family.

Luego de un excelente plato de sopa, la merienda no puede faltar, mientras tanto siempre hay un tema interesante de conversación para pasar el rato.

After an excellent bowl of soup, a snack cannot be missed, meanwhile there is always an interesting topic of conversation to pass the time.

Las Imágenes fueron captadas desde mi teléfono Xiaomi Redmi Note 8. Isla de Margarita-Venezuela.

The images were captured from my Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 phone. Isla de Margarita-Venezuela.