[ESP]Un poco de amor para mi lugar de trabajo. [ENG]A little love for my workplace.

in Lifestyle5 months ago










Reciban un cordial saludo amigos de #lifestyle u a experiencia nueva para contarles, hoy en la escuela me uno a darle una mano a una compañera de trabajo, ell se encontraba limpiando las áreas de la escuela, especialmente el área donde voy a trabajar a partir de la semana que viene.

Receive a cordial greeting, friends of #lifestyle, a new experience to tell you, today at school I am joining in to give a hand to a co-worker, she was cleaning the work areas the school, especially the area where I am going to work starting next week.

Al llegar a la escuela y ver que la sra estába limpiando me puse a recoger parte de la suciedad que los vecinos depositan en está casa de estudios, días antes se les había entregado unas bolsas de basura para que colocarán allí sus desechos y en vista de no ver que había colaborado, pues nos tocó limpiar.

When I arrived at school and saw that the lady was cleaning, I began to collect some of the dirt that the neighbors deposited in this school house. Days before, they had been given some garbage bags so they can place their waste there and since they didn't see that they had collaborated, it was up to us to clean.

En el patio de la escuela, teníamos la visita de dos borregos que estaban comiendo del pasto, al parecer eran de los vecinos que no nos prestaron el apoyo, pero bueno es nuestro deber tratar en lo posible de tener las áreas en óptimas condiciones para nuestros niños.

In the school yard, we had the visit of two sheep that were eating the grass, apparently they were from the neighbors who did not support us, but it is our duty try as much as possible to have the areas in optimal conditions for our children.

La fachada de la escuela, por fin fue pintada, ahora se ve mejor. Esperando que llegue el día de recibir a nuestros niños en la escuela.

The facade of the school was finally painted, now it looks better. Waiting for the day to receive our children at school.

Las Imágenes fueron captadas desde mi teléfono Xiaomi Redmi Note 8. Isla de Margarita-Venezuela.

The images were captured from my Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 phone. Isla de Margarita-Venezuela.