[ESP]Una visita al medico por situación de salud de mis hijos. [ENG]A visit to the doctor due to my children's health situation.

in Lifestyle4 months ago








Hola apreciados amigos de #lifestyle, hoy fue un día diferente en nuestra familia. Me levanté temprano con la mejor intensión de llevar mi rutina diaria a cabo, pero mis hijos no estaban bien de salud. Su papá se encontraba trabajando, estaba de guardia y no me quedó de otra que llamarlo para informarle la situación de los niños.

Hello dear #lifestyle friends, today was a different day in our family. I got up early with the best intention of carrying out my daily routine, but my children were not in good health. Their father was working, he was on call and I had no choice but to call him to inform him of the children's situation.

El me dijo que se iba a tardar un poco, ya que tenía que cubrirle a su compañero de relevo, ya que se iba a tardar un poco. Lo esperé hasta casi las 10 de la mañana. En cuanto estuvo listo para salír nos fuimos al centro de salud más cercano.

He told me that it was going to take a while, since he had to cover for his relief partner, since it was going to take a little while. I waited for him until almost 10 in the morning. As soon as he was ready to leave we went to the nearest health center.

Llegamos y nos tocó esperar un poco mientras atendían a los pacientes que estaban en espera, primero pase con el mayor de mis hijos dónde el médico observó sus fosa nasales bastantes obstruida e indicó antialérgico y lavados nasales.

We arrived and we had to wait a little while they attended to the patients who were waiting. First, I passed by with the oldest of my children where the doctor observed his rather obstructed nostrils and indicated anti-allergy. and nasal washes.

Seguidamente pase con el menor por la emergencia pediatrica, dónde lo pasaron e igualmente lo trataron con antialérgicos, sin envíar exámenes de laboratorio porque se debía esperar unas 72 horas.

I then went with the minor to the pediatric emergency, where they took him in and also treated him with anti-allergy medications, without sending laboratory tests because they had to wait about 72 hours.

Al salir nos dirigimos a la farmacia a comprar los medicamentos y algo para el almuerzo de este día. Nos fuimos a casa, dónde gracias a Dios se sintieron mejor, les comencé a dar sus medicamentos, esperando no se repita su malestar. Fue un día de cierta angustia, pero gracias a Dios con éxito.

When we left we went to the pharmacy to buy the medicines and something for lunch that day. We went home, where thank God they felt better, I started giving them their medications, hoping their discomfort would not be repeated. It was a day of some anguish, but thank God it was successful.

Las Imágenes fueron captadas desde mi teléfono Xiaomi Redmi Note 8. Isla de Margarita-Venezuela.

The images were captured from my Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 phone. Isla de Margarita-Venezuela.



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