Greetings dear friends, happy start of the week to all of you, I wish you an excellent week, I for my part I can tell you that this weekend things got a little complicated for me so we did not have time to go out much, only the essentials.
So we had some pending things like going out to buy the flu treatment for my little girl, who is a little sick, and some little things for her participation in the carnival school parade.
The truth is that these outings are usually a little tiring and annoying so I told my little girl that we would go for a walk with grandma, for our big purchases we always go to the center of the city where you can get a little bit of everything.
First we walked through the central square which is surrounded by many establishments, and we arrived at our trusted pharmacy, and there we bought loratadine and rinomax for my little girl, it is incredible that these two medicines cost 17$. My mother's medication for her blood pressure was not found in this pharmacy so we continued our .
The truth for being afternoon hours the city looked a little lonely, on the way to the other pharmacies we passed buying pantyhose for my girl, 3$.
And we continued walking and doing our shopping and pending, and it was so much we walked that my girl began to complain so I had to sit with her a little while on a wall, next to the church of the population while my mom went to the next pharmacy.
Then we went to rest a while to a nice little square where we resumed our to-do lists so as not to lose anything important.
The truth is that despite being a long walk it was amazing to enjoy this afternoon with two of my favorite people, my daughter and my mother and of course I had to take some pictures to share with all of you...
The content in this publication is completely original and all the photos are my own and were taken with my Redmi note 13 cell phone.
El rinomax suele ser un poco costoso, espero que tu niña se recupere lo más pronto posible 🙏🏻
Si bueno por aquí 10$.
Muchas gracias amiga.
Amiga 😉¡Qué bonito compartir esos momentos en familia, aunque sean salidas llenas de pendientes! A veces, hasta las tareas más rutinarias pueden convertirse en recuerdos especiales cuando estamos con nuestros seres queridos. Me imagino lo agotador que fue caminar tanto, pero también lo valioso que es poder disfrutar de la compañía de tu mamá y tu pequeña. Espero que tu niña se recupere pronto y que hayan logrado conseguir todo lo necesario. Gracias por compartir tu día con tanto detalle, me encantó imaginar el recorrido por la plaza y la iglesia. ¡Un abrazo y que tengas una excelente semana!