Greetings dear friends, welcome once again to my blog, I hope you have had an excellent and very productive week and now you can enjoy a nice weekend in the company of your loved ones, today I want to share with you all part of what is my day to day.
It has not happened to you that when you are on your way to work or simply when you have a long walk you spend that time thinking, analyzing and reflecting on our lives and even talking to yourself.
This topic makes me go back to my childhood and remember that as a child I laughed at my uncle when I watched him in the courtyard of the house scrubbing and while doing so he talked to himself, I remember that my cousins and I thought he was crazy or saw spirits, now as an adult I understand how wrong I was.
I admit that every morning after I do my morning chores like getting the kids ready and taking them to school, when I am finally alone and I get ready to take the road to work I have my tremendous reflections.
I have even noticed that I talk not alone, if not with myself, I think it is because it is the period of time when I am alone and I begin to analyze certain situations as I walk.
These photographs that I share with you today are of all the beautiful spaces that I find every morning on my way to work, some of them of a very nice but small meeting place in the town of Santa Ana.
These are the spaces that have served me as a cede of my morning reflections, and I tell you sincerely I love these periods of time of encounters with myself, until I get to the school where I work that my focus shifts to my students and no longer gives me time to worry about anything else.
The content in this publication is completely original and all the photos are my own and were taken with my Redmi note 13 cell phone.
Esos momentos en soledad son demasiado importantes, a veces necesitamos ese silencio y esa paz par a poder tomar decisiones, ver las cosas desde otra perspectiva y etc, así que no somos locos, nosotros mismos somos una buena compañía. Saludos amiga y muy hermosos esos paisajes que te encuentras de camino a tu trabajo