Tarde de paseo y compras [Esp/Eng]

in Lifestyle12 days ago


Saludos mis queridos y apreciados amigos, Espero todos estén pasando una excelente semana, yo por acá puedo comentarles que he tenido una semana un poco estresante como ya les he refereido en otros post pues en la isla estamos sufriendo de largos cortes de energía eléctrica de mas de 15 horas diarias. Pero igual esto es algo que no podemos solucionar así que nos toca adaptarnos y solucionar mientras los expertos solucionan.

Greetings my dear and appreciated friends, I hope you are all having a great week, I can tell you that I have had a stressful week as I have already mentioned in other posts because on the island we are suffering from long power outages of more than 15 hours a day, but still this is something we can not solve so we have to adapt and solve while the experts solve.
But still this is something that we can not solve so we have to adapt and solve while the experts solve.



Así pues que está tarde del martes decidí salir a realizar mis compras las cuales había estado postergando pues se que me sería complicado el comprar carne y pollo sabiendo que por falta de electricidad podrían dañarse. Pero igual debía comprar mis cosas e ir solventando, así que en conjunto con mi pequeña y mi madre realizamos está salida

So this Tuesday afternoon I decided to go out to do my shopping which I had been postponing because I know it would be complicated to buy meat and chicken knowing that lack of electricity could be damaged.
But I still had to buy my things and go solventando, so together with my little girl and my mother we made this output


Primeramente me fui con mi pequeña caminando a casa ade mi madre a buscarla para realizar nuestra salida, esto nos sirvió de distracción y paseo pues pasamos por una muy linda cancha que poseee a sus alrededores un lindo parque y un ambiente súper agradable y allí esperamos a mí esposo que nos pasaría buscando para a llevarnos de compras. Al llegar al super quedé encantada acon la decoración navideña en la parte de la entrada principal, era un tipo de chimenea muy creativa y hermosa.

First I went with my little girl walking home ade my mother to find her to make our outing, this served as a distraction and walk as we went through a very nice court that has a nice park and a super nice atmosphere around and there we waited for my husband who would pass us looking for to take us shopping.
When we arrived at the supermarket I was delighted with the Christmas decoration at the main entrance, it was a very creative and beautiful kind of fireplace.



Luego de tomar la foto que no podía faltar pasamos y tomamos un 🛒 carrito de compras y comenzamos a buscar lo necesario, aunque en cuanto a productos refrigerados solo compré en pequeñas porciones para no arriesgarme a perder mucho. Igual la charcutería, frutas y verduras, solo lo necesario para subir días en espera de que la situación se solucione pronto.

After taking the photo that could not miss, we went through and took a 🛒 shopping cart and began to look for the necessary, although as for refrigerated products I only bought in small portions to not risk losing much.
The same with the deli, fruits and vegetables, only what was necessary to go up days waiting for the situation to be solved soon.



No todos los comercios estaban trabajando pues muchos no poseen planta eléctrica, pero este por ser un súper mercado grande posee una gran planta eléctrica que surte todos sus espacios. Luego de tomar lo necesario nos fuimos a realizar la cola para cancelar y regresar a casa rápidamente aprovechando que el pollo estab a congelado, par aconservarlo así .

Not all stores were working because many do not have power plant, but this being a large super market has a large power plant that supplies all its spaces.
After taking what we needed we went to make the queue to cancel and return home quickly taking advantage that the chicken was frozen, to keep it that way



El contenido en esta publicación es totalmente original y Todas las Fotos son de mi autoría y fueron tomadas con mi Celular Redmi 9

The content in this publication is completely original and all the photos are my own and were taken with my Redmi 9 cell phone.