Spanish 🦋
Hola 👋 paso dejando le mi recorrido a esta hermosa comunidad 😊😍
Las Puertas de Miraflores en Monagas, un recorrido que dispone de aguas transparentes y una zona rocosa presta para ser escalada.
Las Puertas de Miraflores se encuentran por la vía hacia Caripe, atravesando varios pueblos, entre ellos San Antonio de Capayacuar, desde ahí se agarra la vía hacia Cumanacoa-Cumaná, y en menos de 20 minutos puedes llegar al lugar.
El recorrido en este balneario del estado Monagas dispone de cinco cruces del Río Guarapiche para llegar hasta las propias Puertas. Aunque refrescantes pozos se esconden en lo profundo del camino, el trayecto suele ser algo rudo, así que si no deseas escalar, también puedes bañarte en un paradisiaco manantial azul
Luego de una caminata a buen ritmo, en unos 45 minutos te encontraras de frente con el imponente cañón, las inmensas paredes de unos 150 metros de altura forman una especie de gigantesca puerta natural techada por el cielo, no es extraño ver escaladores en ellas, el sonido del río se mezcla con la algarabía de los loros que hacen nidos en lo alto de las paredes del cañón, una piedra más cercana a la pared derecha parece un monolito y da un toque misterioso al lugar, justo allí se forma una poza, el agua es muy fría pero después de la caminata es energizante. Al atravesar el cañón de forma curva, es como si entraras a otro lugar, la caminata ahora es sobre enormes rocas hasta llegar a un hermoso pozo esmeralda, casi escondido.
este lugar se encuentra cercano a Miraflores es un pueblo de la provincia del estado Monagas en la región nororiental del país, situado a una altura de 2992 sobre el nivel del mar. En esa zona no hay señal telefónica y solo se dispone de una posada, pero también puedes acampar las casas alquilan sus terrenos para personas que desean pasar la noche, es necesario llevar una la ropa adecuada por las bajas temperaturas nocturna.
English 🐞
Las Puertas de Miraflores in Monagas, a route that has transparent waters and a rocky area ready to be climbed
The Miraflores Gates are located on the road to Caripe, going through several towns, including San Antonio de Capayacuar, from there the road to Cumanacoa-Cumana takes hold, and in less than 20 minutes you can reach the place.
The route in this resort in the Monagas state has five crossings of the Guarapiche River to reach the Gates themselves. Although refreshing pools are hidden deep within the trail, the ride is often a bit rough, so if you don't feel like climbing, you can also bathe in a heavenly blue spring
After a walk at a good pace, in about 45 minutes you will find yourself facing the imposing canyon, the immense walls of about 150 meters high form a kind of gigantic natural door roofed by the sky, it is not strange to see climbers on them, the sound of the river mixes with the merriment of the parrots that make nests on top of the canyon walls, a stone closer to the right wall looks like a monolith and gives a mysterious touch to the place, right there a pool is formed, the water is very cold but after the walk it is energizing. Going through the canyon in a curved way, it is as if you entered another place, the walk is now over huge rocks until you reach a beautiful emerald well, almost hidden.
this place is close to Miraflores is a town in the province of Monagas state in the northeastern region of the country, located at an altitude of 2992 above sea level. In that area there is no telephone signal and there is only one inn available, but you can also camp the houses rent their land for people who want to spend the night, it is necessary to wear appropriate clothing due to the low night temperatures.
Hello there!
This place looks like paradise, and you've described it so well. That blue water is so enticing, and I'm a great lover of rocks and my favourite place to hang out is by a river.
Just a note — I see that you have enough resource credits (RC) on your account; Why don't you upload a profile picture? It could be a photo of you, which would be nice, or if not, something that represents you and your blog, that you are passionate about. These little things could help to improve your blog and it could help other users to connect better with you😀
I trust that you'll enjoy the rest of your Sunday, and I wish you a great week ahead:)))
Sii es un paraíso, Gracias por la sugerencia 😊.
You're very welcome!
That was quick 😊