in Lifestyle3 months ago

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Negotiating or bargaining is both an art and a skill that requires an individual to be in prepared for whatever they might encounter. It is not an easy feat to negotiate especially in formal situations that requires communication, strategy, and emotional intelligence all at once. As humans, we all have to encounter negotiation because it is a necessary and important part of our communication and interaction with one another. Negotiation is inevitable because we experience in our day to day activities like, in our personal relationships, responsibilities, workplace, buying of goods and services and so on. Hence, it is definitely a skill that one must possess in you don't want to be cheated and segregated.

One of the common places that negotiation or bargaining skills is prominent is in the market place, sometimes, negotiating can be innate or learnt. When buying of good and paying for services, we do not jutmst agree to whatever prices is given except it is fixed. From what I learnt, whenever a price is given, we have the right to break it down and divide it into two, until you get a reasonable price for the product. It is known that some traders can decide to hike their prices based on personalities or just to cheat people and make high profits.

Our Nigerian mothers are very good when it comes to negotiating prices that at some point it might feel like and embarrassment. They would price it so low and it wit good ridiculous, but that's how it should be, when they do this and the sellers accept, you would then wonder how come they hiked the price like that in the first place. For instance, one time we went to the market to buy onions in bulk because we wanted to travel back home with it and we heaHive you canprices in that town were affordable and quite cheap. To chip in, in negotiating it is good to do your own research before embarking on it so that you would have a first hand idea on what you are getting into and how you would go about it. So prior to going to the market to get the onions, my aunt has intimated us with how the prices. So when we got to the market, because of the information we had, we even bought it at a lesser price.

Negotiating skills also come handy when you are trying to get a job and discuss salary. Some people have been cheated in getting a better pay because they were not able to negotiate well and value their worth. One time I applied for a job and settled for the salary they proposed but later on, I got to find out that my colleague who we are doing the same duties together was earning more than me. I had to quit to get something better.

So, it good to have the skills because people can use it against you and cheat you

This is a part of my entry for the Decemberinleo prompt as organized by the @leogrowth team with great initiative that members of Hive you can participate in this prompt and tackle them as you deem fit.

Thanks for stopping by my blog..

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December is the month where we negotiate or haggle the most.... Hahaha...

A big hug, God bless you!