Flipping through the pages of any book hasn’t always been something you’d find me do often. I read books but not conventionally and that made me a bit less interested in books. As life would have it, I met someone who loves reading books a lot and soon, it started rubbing off on me positively. Now I wonder why I haven’t been reading books since. Well, I guess I can only say this now because I was lucky enough to start with the right book as I’d like to put it. My Friendy mentioned his plans of getting some books for himself on his birthday and I find that really cool and somewhere in my mind I knew I had never had any thoughts of reading a book or novel for a while, not to mention buying a book for myself.
I have always had the notion that books weren’t my thing. The pages are just too many sometimes and I didn’t want to give so much time to reading a book. I’d rather watch a movie or listen to someone tell the story or lessons from that book. Beautifully, all that has changed now. I think way differently about books now. I find myself always looking at books titles that I’d love to read and have a look at. And all of this is thanks to my Friendy. You know, I have been around people who care less about books and it rubbed off on me even without me knowing it.
When the year started, part of my goals was to read at least 12 books before the year runs out. At first, I wasn’t sure how I was going to achieve this goal because at that time I was still struggling with the idea of getting started. I asked myself a couple of questions. Which books do I want to read? Why do I want to read these books and how will reading these books impact my lifestyle? The moment I gave answers to these three questions, I was very certain that I really needed to start reading books and I’ll be more focused on self help books.
Right now, I’m on my second book for the year and it is quite encouraging to see I’m at least making a move. Although, according to the plan, I should be in my third book but not withstanding, I’m happy I’m making progress. Hopefully soon I’ll start making reviews of the books I have read to know how much these books are impacting me and hopefully someone else can also find the motivation to start reading books too.
I can assure you that with the right book, you will be happy to flip through hundreds of pages without feeling overwhelmed or frustrated at any point. Someone once said, the best way to hide something from a black man is to hide them in books and it is funny how this is still a thing even in our today’s world but not necessarily black men only. Reading a physical book feels different from reading a book online. I think one of the challenges I had with reading books was the fact that most of the books that were suggested to me were online.
Although, for a book lover, whether a book is online or physical, they will always be glad to read it anytime anywhere but for those of us that are still trying to find the interest in books, I’ll recommend physical books. There is this satisfaction that comes with flipping through the pages of a book. I’m not sure how long I’ll keep up with this new lifestyle of mine but I believe that as long as I surround myself with people that enjoy reading, I will do just fine.
Thanks for reading through. ❤️
I completely relate to being influenced by someone who shares our passion for reading - it's amazing how a little encouragement can spark a lifelong love affair with books!
Yeah? I can’t be more glad that I met a book lover. Now I’m very sure that I’ll enjoy reading more books thanks to him. 🤭
Thank you for your beautiful comment. ❤️
There's something special about real printed books that e-books can't replace. There's nothing like curling up with a good book. I have to be careful though because I find it so soothing that by 1 chapter at most, I pass out! This is fantastic for my insomnia. I don't know if you've read any Brené Brown but she's awesome. Start with " I Thought It Was Just me But It Isn't" she's written like ten books since and it's all soul food. I've actually got my kids reading an older classic series which was all the rage in the 90s called "Chicken Soup for the Soul" and our oldest son confessed to crying after reading some of the heartwarming stories. In this chaotic world we live in, we can find peace in books <3
Sweet! Thank you so much for these recommendations Claire. I’m definitely going to be looking out for them and buy them when I do so I can read them too.
Nothing beats that feeling you get when the author of a book seems to be speaking directly to you!
Thanks for stopping by, mama. ❤️
Exactly! I mean this woman has PHDs and all kinds of accolades behind her, but the tone of her books is always so personal. It definitely feels like she's having a conversation with you over a glass of wine or a cup of tea.
Thank you so much for sharing. 🤗❤️
Thank you. 🤗