Nunca pensé que tendría una amistad tan larga y bonita, siempre hemos estado en las buenas y en las malas, nos peleamos una que otras veces pero estoy segura que habrá una reconciliación. Nos conocimos hace 10 años en el colegio, al comienzo fue una conversación, luego unas salidas y luego visitamos las casas de cada una hasta llegar al día de hoy con 10 años de amistad, es increíble.
Cada día agradezco a mis papás por haberme metido a un colegio donde ellas estaban, todo fue por casualidad y ahora me siento conforme de que lo importante es la calidad no la cantidad.
I never thought I would have such a long and beautiful friendship, we have always been there in good times and bad, we have fought once or twice but I am sure there will be a reconciliation. We met 10 years ago at school, at first it was a conversation, then some outings and then we visited each other's houses until today we have been friends for 10 years, it is incredible. Every day I thank my parents for having put me in a school where they were, it was all by chance and now I feel satisfied that the important thing is quality not quantity.
I never thought I would have such a long and beautiful friendship, we have always been there in good times and bad, we have fought once or twice but I am sure there will be a reconciliation. We met 10 years ago at school, at first it was a conversation, then some outings and then we visited each other's houses until today we have been friends for 10 years, it is incredible. Every day I thank my parents for having put me in a school where they were, it was all by chance and now I feel satisfied that the important thing is quality not quantity.
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Totalmente, en el colegio es donde conocemos las amistades más sinceras y duraderas. Dios las bendiga y que sigan sumando años y experiencias.