Poor Prince William has dad and wife fighting cancer

in Lifestylelast year

I'll have to admit. I've never been much of a fan of the British Royal family. I was in middle school when Prince Charles and Lady Diana got married. My teacher at the time was a British national. I always thought he was a tad bit snobbish about being British. Anyway, before the wedding he kept bragging about how grand it was going to be. And to be honest, it was. But I kept having two thoughts in my head, 1) she was a lot better looking than him and 2) she didn't look happy.

I didn't know it at the time, but Lady Diana found out two weeks before the wedding that Charles was cheating on her.

Well they got divorced. Even though I sensed something was wrong early on, I was still said to see their marriage end, especially for their two sons Harry and William.

But Diana moved on with her life, becoming a champion for many causes including the fight against anti personnel land mines, and Charles seemed happy with Camilla. And then Lady Diana was killed in a car wreck after being chased by paparazzi. I remember exactly where I was at the time. I was at my girlfriends house and the TV was just playing in the background but when that news came out it totally grabbed our attention. It's like remembering where you were when the Challenger blew up or when 9/11 happened. All I could think about was "Those poor boys!"

Fast forward to today, William and Harry are married with children of their own. However Harry and his wife have become estranged with the rest of the family and stayed that way through their grandmother's passing.

To make matters worse, the crown had barely had time to warm up to now King Charles head before the announcement was made that he has cancer. Then a few months later rumors began swirling about William's wife Kate being out of public view with odd conspiracies that aren't even worth mentioning. But the truth is worse than the conspiracies. Like her father in law, Kate has cancer.

That's all we know for now. I hope and pray that it was caught soon enough and that she responds well to treatment. I can't imagine having two people that close to me battling life threatening illnesses at the same time. Stay strong Prince William!