Putting A Smile On People's Faces: My lifestyle

in Lifestyle3 months ago

Good morning everyone; how are you people feeling today?
I'm doing good, as well.

It's my first time posting in this community, and I hope I'm welcome. For the past months, I've been writing in different communities, and I have gotten so used to them.

So few weeks ago, I discovered this community, so I thought as much to involve myself in a post in this community.

Lifestyle is something I cherish so much. It's what makes me happy at all times. If one doesn't have a particular lifestyle that gives him or her joy, it therefore means such a person has a long way to go.

Today, I want to share my lifestyle with you. My lifestyle is all about putting smiles on people's faces, most especially people who are of great value to me.

I don't like seeing moody people, it makes me feel bad. I'm someone that loves hanging out with my friends, in school.

[Image by me].

And for three years now, I've come to realize that they're people who need other people around them. Not because they are scared of anything but because their predicaments demand so.

I was in school one day when I saw my girlfriend crying, she wept bitterly, and I was so uncomfortable with the whole situation.

So I was moved to approach her. I asked her why she was weeping, and she told me, she was having issues with her results. And she was thinking of how she would solve those problems because, according to her, she was the one sponsoring herself.

I didn't know what to do at that moment. The only thing I did was to console her. I told her that she shouldn't worry about it. I encouraged her to do her best and leave the rest for God.

Immediately I said that I could see a smile on her face. So I decided to wipe away her tears and also take a photo with her. That went a long way to relieve her from her worries.

It's always my lifestyle to make people feel happy around me. I see that as my duty to do that to whosoever comes my way.

I chose to live that way to make the world a happy place for those who have counted themselves as unlucky to be in this world.

In conclusion, lifestyle conquers all things. If you have one, nourish it till people come to your greatness.

Thank you for reading to the end.

I remain your favorite girl @joyben.