in Lifestyle26 days ago

The new year started on a good yet different note for me. It was kind of unusual especially for someone like myself who loves making out time to be alone the first week of every January. Normally, I would stay alone thinking through, and pondering on what my year would look like. Those were times I took seriously.

This new year was not so. I made out time to hang out with my friends just to refresh ourselves, know each other better, and ultimately build good, lasting memories.
The bigger surprise is that I did not know I would be going for a picnic with my friends until the eve (a few hours) before the day. It was an unusual picnic for me - an urgent one. Luckily enough my schedule for the day made it suitable for me to attend (one would say circumstances wanted me to). I gave in to the invitation even before really considering my already outlined schedules for the day. I guess I had wanted it all along with knowing.

The picnic was organised by a group of friends who came for their national service from different states. It was time to blend with people outside my circle.


Picnic Proper
A family-kind-of set up was done with the male sitting next to his female partner, in a circular form. We all sat on mats in the open quadrangular space of a storey building, underneath a tree.
We had a moderator who officiated the event. She gave instructions while the rest of us followed suit.


We started with an opening prayer after which everyone did an individual introduction.
We played some engaging games like the ludo, riddles, random question picking (you answer according to the number picked), and singing. We had competitions between the males and females - two females were selected to knot a neck tie for their selected male counterparts. Two males were also selected to tie a head scarf on their female counterparts to see who would do his more perfectly. The winners from both categories received a reward - a sachet of fruit candy each (sounds funny but that was our trophy).


Of course, we had a good item 7 (smiles). That is what we call meals eaten in gatherings. We made everything ourselves.
First, we had some fried flour diet with tasty zobo (hibiscus tea) garnished with some watermelon fruit. That was our appetiser.


After all games were over and every event came to an end, some mixed dishes of jollof and fried rice, garnished with plantain and vegetables, was served.
Eating was done together with gladness.
I said the closing prayer.


It was a refreshing way to start the year. The picnic opened me up to new people. I made new friends, and the bond between old friends got stronger.