Jardín Multicolor [ESP-ENG]

in Lifestyle5 days ago


¡Saludos gente! Espero estén teniendo una buena semana, yo hace unos días vine por aquí cansada solo porque era el lunes, sin pensar que como iba a transcurrir el resto de ella, iba a ser aún más pesado, así que, aquí vamos intentando llegar al fin de semana...

Ayer en la noche tuve un poco de tiempo libre y necesitaba despejar la mente de demasiadas cosas del trabajo, entonces busqué mi refugio personal, me puse a escuchar música mientras practicaba mi Arteterapia, así que vengo a contarles sobre eso...

Esta semana he estado absorta en problemas, problemas y más problemas, entonces se preguntarán ¿cuáles son mis problemas? Pues, les cuento que ahorita mismo siento que tengo pocos, después de todo lo que he tenido que ver en otras personas, en fin, dejaré de hablar de eso... mejor enfoquémonos un poco del dibujo.

Este Jardín de flores lo empecé a pintar el fin de semana pasado, pero me distraje con una serie y no avancé casi nada, así que dije "lo termino en la semana", resulta que cada día que llegaba de trabajar dibujaba una o dos flores, pero tenía cero ganas de tomar fotos, solo quería respirar.

Por eso no van a ver ninguna foto del proceso, porque este fue muy lento y pesado, tanto, que se me olvidaba tomar fotografías, me sentía al extremo agotada mentalmente y cuando me acordaba, no quería porque sentía que iba a terminar horrible y no tenía sentido publicar eso.

Resultó que ayer salí del hospital e, increíblemente, no me sentía cansada, no sé si era porque eran mis últimas reservas de energía, pero aun cuando mi cerebro estaba repleto, dije "ok, algún mecanismo compensatorio estoy usando que está funcionando, vamos a terminar mi dibujo" y así fue....

En un inicio quería pintar todas las flores de tonos entre el azul, el verde y el morado, ya saben, tal como me gusta, que todo tuviera relación entre sí y se viera armonioso, pero luego con el pasar de los días me vi tan dispersa, que solo dibujé por inercia y escogía el primer color que me apareciera por el frente.

Ayer cuando por fin me dispuse a terminarlo, me vi envuelta en un Jardín Multicolor y, aunque no quería, pensé en los casos complicados que vi en la semana. Fue ahí cuando entendí por qué iba dibujando flores de distintos colores cada día que pasaba, sin siquiera darme cuenta.

Cuando terminé, me puse a recordar cada uno de esos días y las flores que dibujé en cada día. Si las detallan bien, verán que me salí de las líneas de los bordes infinidad de veces, no pinté en la misma dirección, los colores se ven mal, en general no quedó nada como a mí me gusta, pero cada día pensaba al final lo arreglo, si tengo energías.

Ayer en la noche, cuando estaba terminándolo, empecé a hacerle sombras para intentar mejorar todo el desastre que había hecho en la semana y por fin encontré el aprendizaje de todo esto...

Comprendí que cada una de esas personas que traté esta semana, aún tan distintas unas de otras y que ni siquiera se conocen, viven en un mismo lugar, y, aun en la adversidad, está intentando seguir floreciendo en este terreno tan lleno de hierbas malas, espinas, bichos, y animales que solo quiere alimentarse de ellas.

Espero recuerden esta reflexión cuando se sientan absortos en sus propios problemas, que todos formamos parte de un mismo jardín y que las dificultades para todos abundan, seamos empáticos con todos, pensemos que cada quien pasa por sus propias dificultades...

Aun cuando externamente se vean muy bonitos, como las flores en un jardín, no sabemos qué están pasando para poder florecer, intentemos ayudar al otro, pensar siempre desde la bondad, que el clima es muy varible y a algunos los favorece el frío ahora mismo, pero a otros el calor y más adelante ese clima puede variar.

Feliz fin de semana para todos y ¡Gracias por pasar y leerme!


Greetings people! I hope you are having a good week, I came here a few days ago tired just because it was Monday, without thinking that how the rest of it was going to be, it was going to be even heavier, so, here we go trying to get to the weekend....

Last night I had a bit of free time and needed to clear my mind of too much work stuff, so I sought my personal refuge, I started listening to music while practicing my Art Therapy, so I come to tell you about that....

This week I have been absorbed in problems, problems and more problems, so you may wonder what are my problems? Well, I tell you that right now I feel that I have few, after everything I have had to see in other people, anyway, I will stop talking about that... let's focus a little bit on the drawing.

I started to paint this flower garden last weekend, but I got distracted with a series and didn't make much progress, so I said "I'll finish it during the week", it turns out that every day I came home from work I drew one or two flowers, but I didn't feel like taking pictures, I just wanted to breathe.

That's why you won't see any pictures of the process, because it was very slow and heavy, so much so, that I forgot to take pictures, I felt extremely exhausted mentally and when I remembered, I didn't want to because I felt I was going to end up horrible and there was no point in publishing that.

It turned out that yesterday I got out of the hospital and, incredibly, I didn't feel tired, I don't know if it was because it was my last energy reserves, but even though my brain was full, I said "ok, some compensatory mechanism I'm using is working, let's finish my drawing" and so it was.....

At the beginning I wanted to paint all the flowers in shades between blue, green and purple, you know, just as I like, that everything had a relationship with each other and looked harmonious, but then as the days went by I was so scattered, that I just drew by inertia and chose the first color that appeared in front of me.

Yesterday when I finally got ready to finish it, I found myself involved in a Multicolor Garden and, although I didn't want to, I thought about the complicated cases I saw during the week. That's when I understood why I was drawing different colored flowers each passing day, without even realizing it.

When I finished, I started to remember each of those days and the flowers I drew on each day. If you detail them well, you will see that I went out of the lines of the borders countless times, I did not paint in the same direction, the colors look bad, in general it was nothing like I like, but every day I thought at the end I will fix it, if I have the energy.

Yesterday night, when I was finishing it, I started to make shadows to try to improve all the mess I had made during the week and finally I found the learning of all this...

I understood that each one of those people I dealt with this week, even though they are so different from each other and do not even know each other, live in the same place, and, even in adversity, are trying to continue to flourish in this land so full of weeds, thorns, bugs, and animals that only want to feed on them.

I hope you remember this reflection when you feel absorbed in your own problems, that we are all part of the same garden and that difficulties abound for everyone, let's be empathetic with everyone, let's think that everyone goes through their own difficulties?

Even when externally they look very nice, like flowers in a garden, we do not know what they are going through to bloom, let's try to help the other, always think from kindness, that the weather is very variable and some people are favored by the cold right now, but others by the heat and later the weather may change.

Happy weekend to all and thanks for stopping by and reading me!

Image: Samsung A52.
Edit: Canvas.
Translate: DeepL.

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Your art therapy has always been motivating. I haven't really had the chance to do it but I hope I would. By the way if I may know, what kinds of problem do you go through these days? I really hope you can be freed from it and find more clarity in life.

Hello my dear Mac, well, I tell you, the problems for me are mostly mental because of the fatigue at work Mac. Having the economic and social situation that we have, the elderly are the most affected, the food pensions they are given are not enough for absolutely nothing, they are only 30$ per month, so they can not buy their food, medicines, many of their relatives have left the country, so they are practically alone, which generates depression and end up with multiple ailments.

So, in my practice I have to talk a lot with them to try to make them feel a little better, while I treat their illnesses, but it is important to listen to them, empathize and explain to them that they must recover from this emotional situation because otherwise the multiple ailments will continue and, in fact, many of them end up dying from depression because of everything they are going through.

So, basically, if I see 10 patients in the office per day, I have to listen to the life stories of each one and try to help them find viable solutions to help them, without just sending them medications, because they do not have the money to buy them and, on the other hand, those medications are not going to completely solve their problems.

It is as if you have 10 friends and all 10 ask you one by one, on the same day, to talk to you about their lives and all the problems they have to help them. It ends up being exhausting because they are difficult situations to handle because they have many needs and without money it is very difficult to help them.

And so it is with absolutely all my patients that I see every day, because the situation of the country affects them too much. The aging process is difficult to cope with because of the multiple diseases, but when there is economic deprivation, it is even more so.

That's what it is... basically it is mental exhaustion that I often suffer, so when I get home from work I start to draw or look for some way to do mindfullnes, to clear my mind a little of all those problems I heard about during the day.

Basically that's what summarizes my problems Mac, that I have to work a lot around here, because inflation is very high, so you have to have several sources of income, and working a lot involves trying to help many more of these people, with all these problems. So it's pretty hard to cope. Mainly that's what it is, carrying other people's problems 😮‍💨.

Greetings Dear @macchiata 💕, sorry for not visiting you lately 😓, you see I've been very busy.