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RE: Some Reasons Most of Our Friends are Other Expats... Panama

in Lifestyle2 months ago

It's always going to be difficult moving to a different country, I think we just have to accept the different cultures and behaviours, which in our eyes may seem mad or unreasonable.

Like when I moved to Taiwan, most drivers have little regards for pedestrians and drive like maniacs. I hated that I had to let cars go first when I was at the zebra crossing (think you call it crosswalk across the pond) but it is what it is. I'd rather accept it and be extra careful when crossing the road rather than enforcing my right of way.

Actually, I did do that once, walking across cautiously as a car was driving slowly towards me. He was forced to stop when he realised I wasn't got to budge, then zoomed past as soon as I was done but not before stopping briefly, and shouting something at me 😂


Sounds crazy to cross the street there! Ha! It is even difficult to move to a different state in the US! We're happy with where we live, even with the challenges!