Limpiando mis estuches de maquillaje💋💄💁♀️
Dedicándome tiempo❤️

Hello loves, have a great Friday and start of the weekend, how nice, weekend synonymous of rest, parties, family, home, beach, among other recreational activities. I start this morning wishing you good vibes, I send you hugs and kisses. I am excited to talk to you today about something I do from time to time, it is about putting my things in order, this time I am going to wash my makeup case, clean my makeup and tools to apply it and restore my cosmetic bag, for many it could be a meaningless task but I am one of those who think that if I have my portfolio in order, as well as my room, my house, my kitchen, my life is also in order, I do not know if you understand what I mean, mainly if I see my room and my wallet as it should be then my life is on track, when I have had some existential chaos as is normal in people and I look around my room or open my wallet and everything is in disorder, I can perceive that something is wrong, that's why I keep everything as it should be, and as a good Virgo I love the neatness and everything in its place, I speak of all areas of my life. Here I will show you what I did yesterday.
Para empezar separo los maquillajes de mis brochas y esponjas y voy limpiándolo, es que a veces y casi siempre ja ja, por lo rápido en que me maquillo saco puntas a los lápices y dejo la basura ahí, grabe error, y así voy acumulando y cuando veo al paso de los días ensucio a todo lo demás. Este estuche es súper antiguo, tiene muchos años conmigo desde que estaba en la universidad, realmente la tenia olvidada, pero desde que mi hija descubrió donde guardaba mis maquillajes, opte por sacar y darle uso y por supuesto dejarla en alto para que ella no tenga acceso, sin embargo cuando voy a usarla ella esta ahí para ver todo, ya sabe que no se toca. La lave, limpié y quedo como nueva.
To start I separate the makeup from my brushes and sponges and I clean it, sometimes and almost always ha ha, because of how fast I do my makeup I take out the tips of the pencils and I leave the trash there, big mistake, and so I accumulate and when I see as the days go by I dirty everything else. This case is super old, it has many years with me since I was in college, I really had it forgotten, but since my daughter discovered where I kept my makeup, I chose to take it out and give it use and of course leave it up so she does not have access, however when I go to use it she is there to see everything, she knows it is not touching. I washed it, cleaned it and it is as good as new.
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Ahora le toco el turno al porta cosmético, hace ya varios días que no lo use porque se daño el cierre pero le pedí ayuda a mi mamá y lo soluciono, estoy feliz de poder usarlo, en realidad quedo como nuevo, es muy práctico, tiene espacio para usarlo como billetera.
Now it's the turn of the cosmetic holder, I haven't used it for several days because the zipper was damaged but I asked my mom for help and she solved it, I'm happy to be able to use it, it's really like new, it's very practical, it has space to use it as a wallet.
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Sólo me esta haciendo falta dedicarle unos minutos a mis pertenecías, para reiniciar mis energías, todo lo que nos rodea es energía e incluso nosotros mismos y si vibramos positivamente, todo nos va bien, me gusta mucho mantener el orden para que la calma prevalezca. Espero que mi recomendación les haya servido de inspiración y pongan en practica el orden, como siempre les doy las gracias por leerme. Las fotos fueron tomadas por mi desde mi teléfono celular para ustedes, Dios los bendiga, se les quiere.
I just need to dedicate a few minutes to my belongings, to restart my energies, everything around us is energy and even ourselves and if we vibrate positively, everything goes well, I really like to keep order so that calm prevails. I hope that my recommendation has served as inspiration and put into practice the order, as always I thank you for reading me. The photos were taken by me from my cell phone for you, God bless you, you are loved.
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Su post ha sido valorado por @goya