Hola Hivers!💫
La Navidad es una época muy especial dónde compartimos y agradecemos por los buenos momentos de este año que nos regalaron felicidad y por los no tan buenos que nos regalaron experiencia, pues para esta Navidad en compañía de buenos amigos disfrute de una deliciosa cena, dónde reino la alegría, la buena música y por supuesto mucha buena vibra y hoy les comparto mi experiencia!
Hello Hivers! 💫
Christmas is a very special time where we share and thank for the good moments of this year that gave us happiness and for the not so good ones that gave us experience, well for this Christmas in the company of good friends enjoy a delicious dinner, where joy, good music and of course a lot of good vibes reign and today I share my experience!

This Christmas dinner was an invitation from my husband, to this evening we attended in the company of his co-workers, who are very special people and over time have become very good friends. We went to a beautiful restaurant in the city called D' La Costa, which is located on the terrace of the shopping center Hipergalerias Traki in the city of Cumana-Venezuela 🇻🇪.

Al estar completos el Supervisor y líder del equipo de trabajo de mi esposo dijo unas palabras muy emotivas dando las gracias a todos el equipo por su dedicación y esfuerzo durante el año, los felicito por las metas cumplidas y también les dió un mensaje reflexivo sobre la familia que es lo verdaderamente importante en la vida, él este año sufrió un 'ACV' accidente cardiovascular que gracias a Dios superó pero que le enseño las verdaderas prioridades en la vida y quizo transmitir ese mensaje a todos los presentes algo que me pareció hermoso!
The decoration at D' La Costa was spectacular, lots of lights and super cute decorations, there were several Christmas dinners this day but we had a beautiful table where we sat comfortably and began to toast with a few beers while all the guests arrived.
When we were complete the Supervisor and leader of my husband's team said some very emotional words thanking all the team for their dedication and effort during the year, he congratulated them for the goals achieved and also gave them a thoughtful message about family which is what is truly important in life, this year he suffered a 'stroke' cardiovascular accident that thank God overcame but that taught him the real priorities in life and wanted to convey that message to all present something that I thought was beautiful!

Después de comer empezó la fiesta, pues disfrutamos de música en vivo de una cantante regional llamada 'Angeles la Voz' quien ánimo mucho la noche y nos puso a cantar y a bailar a todos, sin duda la pasamos increíble! 💃🏼
Then we enjoyed dinner which was exquisite, of course it was a very complete Christmas dish with hallaca, ham bread, pernil and chicken salad, plus dessert which was dulce de lechoza and a glass of wine with which we again thanked God and toasted for these moments among friends that are a real treasure! ✨🥂
After lunch the party started, as we enjoyed live music by a regional singer called 'Angeles la Voz' who made us all sing and dance, without a doubt we had an incredible time! 💃🏼

I confess that we were a little hesitant to attend this dinner because our daughter is newly operated and well we were a little afraid to leave her at home with my mom, however good that everyone encouraged us and we decided to attend because it was a very nice time in which we enjoyed a lot and we had an incredible time, this allowed us to clear a little of all the stress of these days so again I thank God for these moments and as always it was a pleasure to share my experiences with you! ✨ Thank you for reading me! 😃 See you very soon! 💫
Nota : Todas las imágenes son de mi propiedad tomadas con mi teléfono celular Redmi Note 10, editadas con la App Inshot, portada creada con la App Canva e Inshot. Traductor empleado: DeepL. / Note: All images are my own taken with my Redmi Note 10 cell phone, edited with the Inshot App, cover created with the Canva and Inshot App. Employed translator: DeepL
En algunas oportunidades debemos permitirnos hacer asistir a veladas por muy difícil que esté a situación, lo importante acá es que cuentan con un buen sistema de apoyo que les permitió tener un rato agradable y disfrutar de una deliciosa cena. Feliz Navidad.
Así es amiga tienes razón, siempre agradecida con Dios porque nos permite estos ratitos de felicidad. Un abrazo y feliz navidad! 💖
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Gracias por el apoyo! Feliz Navidad 🎄☺️