I said yes

in Lifestyle11 months ago


                             I Said Yes Lord: Part 1

Over the course of my adult life. God allowed me to cross paths with many strangers. These strangers spoke things into my life that confirmed many dreams and visions the Almighty God showed me.

Consistently, I ignored those messages given to me in the those dreams. There was a reason for it. Only a hand few of people I'm very close to know the reason why I was running away being called a pastor. Uploading IMG-20240422-WA0118.jpg #2

For many years I played the organ, keyboard & drums. I also directed and trained many choirs, and musicians along the way. But never paid attention to the voice of God because music is what I really enjoyed doing.

Even years ago living with my ex-wife ( Nigerian ) and my wonderful children. I remember many times her family members and friends will visit us for such a time.
While visiting us at our apartment we all will set and have dinner at the table and then all of sudden it breaks out like this.

Excuse me so to interrupt but I want to ask you this one question. Are you a Pastor or prophet? In my mind I will say to myself now here we go again. Oftentimes my response was no I'm not call to be a Pastor. I'm just a musicians who only wants to play for the Lord and that's it. I will tell them please don't call me a Pastor but moving forward it will happen again by another family member or her friends from Nigeria visiting us.

Everytime this topic or question pops it's head. My ex-wife will tell every visitor. I don't want to be no Pastors wife and now looking back at it all. Come to think about it. That could have been the very reason why God allowed the separation/divorce to take place because of my act of disobedience to God.

When you are called to be a pastor oftentimes people may see the calling and the anointed on your life but it comes with a price. God will allow the devil to do his work on you. Until God gets a yes Lord from you.

God waited until finally - he got a yes Lord from me.
I surrender my all to the Lord. I don't have all the answers and I don't claim to be a perfect man/king but I'm more at peace in my life than ever before. Thank God and thank you Jesus, Christ for showing me mercy and grace even when I didn't deserve it.

Forgive me oh Lord. In the name of Jesus. I hope this story helps someone who is struggling like I did to accept God's calling on your life.

Man can not call you to ministry only God can because it is spiritually base. Please don't leave this earth until you give him a yes Lord.

Unfortunately, many people are in the grave today because of their acts of disobedience. Repent today and ask God to forgive you and begin to walk out in faith do what he has already shown you in private. God loves you and I do to.