A precious experience of mine

in Lifestyle3 days ago (edited)

First of all, I am going to write in English without any apps for translating for you to see how am I in English, so if any of you sees a mistake, just tell me, please.

Well, I have always been good at English, i mean the subject. There was a time where many contest were suggested to my school to assist, in them was the English contest. One day, my teacher was telling me that she had to choose one student of each grade to go to the municipal contest (arroyo naranjo), and she chose me.

I had never won any contest. I have been on 3 Spanish contest and I didn't win them. So, i thought it was going to be the same with the English contest too.

I studied all day until the municipal English contest's day and I was nervous enough to almost can't sleep but I got to.

On the municipal English contest day, my dear seventh grade friend's mother bring the ninth grade, the teacher, her daughter and me to the meeting place kindly, which was the school: Carine. I remember we were listening to: we can't be friends by Ariana Grande. My teacher had told me before that I might sing a song on the contest as an initiative so I had prepare one named: Lily by Alan Walker.

There were many students on seventh grade, some on ninth grade and only one besides me on eighth grade. There were three topics on the contest to write and talk about, my partner chose: the healthy food (or something similar, I don't remember) but I chose: what do you do on your day? that can be like daily routines. When I finished it I gave my paper to the professor who was checking it and I started to talk about my topic. At the beginning, I was really nervous, but I got to talk right. Then, I sang the song perfectly and started to eat because I was too hungry. When all of us finished the contest, we asked the teacher to play at the fitness park and she let us do it.

Well... WE ALL WON THE MUNICIPAL ENGLISH CONTEST. Zahira, the student on seventh grade, got first place; Anaya, the student on ninth grade, got first place too; and I got second place.

It happened practically the same in the provincial contest, only that there were just fifteen winners of each grade, among those, Zahira, Anaya and me.

As provincial contest winners, the provincial methodologist ask all of us to assist on some preparations to the national contest and then to join to a proyect named: the Dreamers. At all the preparation I have met many of my new friends, who are very kind, funny, smart and friendly.

Those photos are from the penultimate meeting, where my dear fabulous methodologist and the professor Marta (who taught us at that meeting) wereso happy because of our achivements, intelligence and kindness.

Well, in resume words, the national English contest was easier than the provincial one. That day was the birthday of a contestant from our province and another contestant sang a song to him.

We don't know the results of the national English contest yet, my methodologist told me that she will say the results on april fifth, but... ¡WE ARE ALREADY IN THE PROYECT! The first meeting was extremely funny. We introduce each other, in case of no knowing us yet, and we had to say what animal we felt identified with. I forgot to say my animal and the professor asked me if I was the only one in the group who is a human😂 so I tell him my animal. We also played to some funny games. One of them was to divide the group in two teams so the teacher had to say one word and we had to write on a paper, in one minute, as much synonyms and antonyms as we could. Another one was to write on a paper one word that had to do with nature and the body parts, one member of the team had to talk about the word or do mimics, and the team had to guess which word is; the best on doing mimics in my team was me. The other game we played was to agree with the whole team to choose a song and then sing it; my team sang: APT by Rose and Bruno Mars, and the other team sang: Believer by Imagine Dragons. Even thought that the two teams won the last game, the team who won all tha games was mine.

The true is that I didn't expect that going to a municipal English contest would change my life forever. All the new friends, relationships, teachers, experiences, beautiful moments and precious time I spend with all of them made them be as a big funny family to me. I am simply thankful to have them❤️✨.

All these photos were taken by my phone.


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Hola. Muy bonita publicación. Verdaderamente, tus padres deben estar muy orgullosos de ti. Veo que eres una jóven muy inteligente. Mantenerte así y se te abrirán muchas puertas en el futuro. El dominar inglés es una de las principales para expandir tus horizontes. Gracias por compartir tu experiencia en la comunidad Hive. Un cordial saludo y mantente compartiendo contenido en la comunidad.

You are amazing, your parents Stan proud of you, super publication.

what a beautiful publication my girl, you are the pride of all of us who know you, keep on being so studious, you are on the right track, a big kiss.