My day on a 24-hour watch [ENG/ESP]

in Lifestyle21 hours ago


My day on a 24-hour watch

Hello friends of hive I hope you are very very well. Today my post is about my day on a 24 hours + 12 hours on call.

My day started at 5am when I stopped to get ready and eat to go to the hospital to have my 24 hour on call which started at 7am with medical review , after this we were taught how to use the electrocardiograph as we had never used it before and on the floor you have to do a lot of electros , after this we started to take the vital signs of all the patients downstairs to then do the day to day histories .

We were able to have lunch at 2:00pm because the guard was quite complicated because there were many delicate patients, after lunch we returned to go back to make the round of vital signs, the evolutions and all the procedure that were necessary to make as for example to place vesical catheters and good thus passed the whole day until the following day in the morning At 8am when the guard was delivered, after them we went to have breakfast and at 9am to external consultation, there we were going out at noon, we had lunch and later we had our class until 5pm and we went to our homes.







This is how my day went after 34 hours in hospital 🏥 Thanks for staying till the end and reading my post 🤗

-Images of my property, did not authorize use.


Holaaa amigos de hive espero se encuentren muy muy bien . El día de hoy mi post trata sobre mi día en una guardia de 24 horas + 12 horas de servicio .

Mi día comenzó a las 5am cuando me paré para arreglarme y comer para ir al hospital a tener mi guardia de 24 horas la cual comenzó a las 7am con revista médica , posteriormente a esto nos enseñaron cómo usar el electrocardiógrafo ya que nunca lo habíamos usado anteriormente y en piso hay que realizar muchos electros ,luego de esto nos pusimos a tomar los signos vitales de todos los pacientes de abajo para luego realizar las historias del día a día .

Pudiésemos almorzar a las 2:00pm porque la guardia estaba bastante complicada porque habían muchos pacientes delicados , luego de almorzar volvimos a ir a realizar la ronda de signos vitales , las evoluciones y todos los procedimiento que hicieran falta realizar como por ejemplo colocar sondas vesicales y bueno así transcurrió todo el día hasta el día siguiente en la mañana A las 8am cuando se entregó la guardia , luego de ellos fuimos a desayunar y a las 9am a consulta externa , allí salíamos al medio día , almorzamos y posteriormente tuvimos nuestra clase hasta que se hicieron las 5pm y nos fuimos a nuestros hogares .

Así transcurrió mi día luego de 34 horas en el hospital 🏥 Gracias por quedarte hasta el final y leer mi post 🤗

-Imágenes de mi propiedad, no autorizó su uso



Wow! Que día, te admiro🤗

Muchas gracias por comentar 🥹🫶🏻

What an intense day! 24 hours on call plus 12 additional hours is a huge challenge, but your dedication and commitment to the profession is evident. Learning to use the electrocardiograph and performing procedures such as inserting urinary catheters are essential skills that will surely be very useful in the future.

It must be exhausting to keep up with so many delicate patients, but also gratifying to know that you are helping those who need it most. I hope that, despite the workload, you find time to rest and regain energy. Thank you for sharing your experience!