Mistakes are OK

in Lifestyle2 years ago

Goodmorning everyone. How was your weekend? Mine was good we had a little barbecue on saturday and sunday we just stay at home and relax. I have lots of things to tell you but today i want to tell you about my eraser collection.

I have been collecting erasers for some years now. And it became a hobby of mine.
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I wish i could show you in a video but i think it would be way to long so I'll show you a lots of pictures.

It all started when we went to free-market in Boksburg a suburb of Johannesburg the place is called oriental plaza its a fun and exciting place for people who want to go and spend some time with family and buy all kinds of things that make you feel happy. We started off with a small hobby shop in the corner there was a box of erasers and when i go through it i couldn't make myself stop for more then a hour i was busy with that.

And believe me I went home with a many different erasers. Do anyone of you collect something? i would like to know if you do? My collection is not as big as I liked it to be but I'm still collecting and everywhere I go am looking for new ones or cute ones or maybe the smallest ones. This is not an expensive thing to collect. Most of them are Japanese made erasers and cost as little as R 5,00. I have many shapes and sizes. I even have a top ten list.

Lots of people ask me why erasers? But for that i have no answer. I think it was love at first sight hehe. Many years ago my mom collected pens but though the years some of them got lost. Did you know that the first erasers where made in rubber as a useful tool for erasing was made in the 1700s and in 1770 Joseph Priestly named it eraser and the first and only color was red and pink.
so let's count my erasers one, two, three okay just joking the total is 234
i hear many storys when people collect stuff it's because of abandoning issues but thats not me i just like to have them they are so beautiful i will never use them and don't let people touch them maybe if i really really like you or love you but for now it's only for display and for my hands only.

As you all know we make many mistakes in life but a eraser tells you that it's okay to make mistakes some of them can be corrected

some of the erasers are pencil toppers
so you can put it on the pencil and make it beautiful for your self

food erasers is one of my favorites but its difficult to choose between them

I hope you enjoyed my blog please feel free to comment on this post and please tell me what's your favorite one's have a great day bye