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RE: Finding A Signature Scent - The How To's

in Lifestyle7 months ago

I am a lover of good scents
I love feminine scents alot, like those floral scents are my favourites.

I recently started selling perfumes to fellow students in my school as a side hustle.
They'll always ask for recommendations on the which scent to choose. I'll tell them to feel free and choose the one they are comfortable with and suits their personality.

If you are girlie girlie kind of girl i will recommend floral or fruity scent


They'll always ask for recommendations on the which scent to choose.

Do you also give samples like on the strip scent? I think if you do that would also help them smell the perfume and help them choose the one that suit them the most. But you're right, usually feminine women typically loves a mix of floral and fruity notes.