Hello my hearts! I hope you are feeling wonderful, I take this opportunity to tell you a little more about my most recent trip.
It was time for breakfast and the trip included breakfast so we went to Casa Paco, where they served us some delicious whole wheat empanadas with chicken accompanied by a creamy tartar sauce, the drink was a semeruco juice which I had years without drinking and also my indispensable as it is coffee in the morning and although I like to drink a huge cup this small portion was enough for the day of adventure that awaited me.
You can imagine that I enjoyed all the food, because it was delicious, my heart was happy because my tummy was full.
I say goodbye, kisses.
¡Hola mis corazones! Espero se encuentren de maravilla, aprovecho para seguirles contando un poco más de mi más reciente recorrido.
Era la hora de desayunar y el viaje incluía el desayuno así que fuimos a Casa Paco, donde nos sirvieron unas deliciosas empanadas tipo integrales con pollo acompañadas por una cremosa salsa tártara, la bebida era un jugo de semeruco qué tenía años sin tomar y además mi indispensable como lo es el café por las mañanas y aunque me gusta tomar una enorme taza está pequeña porción fue suficiente para el día de aventura que me esperaba.
Se pueden imaginar que disfrute toda la comida, porque estaba riquísima, mi corazón quedó contento porque mi barriguita estaba llena.
Me despido, besitos.
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Lovely photos and it sounds like you enjoyed your meal at Casa Paco - that semeruco juice is a new one for me! whats that?
The breakfast was delicious, the semeruco is a small fruit that has a seed inside and is also called acerola in other parts of the world.