Done but unseen

in Lifestyle4 months ago

(scratches head, turns and stares at wall clock, rolls eyes and yawns)
(Phone beeps)
Esther: hello Dad.
(With a tired pout)
Dad: Yes dear. How are you?
Esther: why does life have to be so hard?. I have been working hard throughout this semester but my scores haven't changed so much.
Dad: (chuckles) i think i know the problem.
Esther: Dad, this isn't funny at all.
Dad: i am sorry, dear. I think you are comparing yourself with your top class mates.....but can i ask something?
Esther: yes...Dad
Dad: Haven't you noticed changes in yourself personally ever since you started to work hard at your studies?
Esther: (pauses and beams with joy) Dad, you are the best.
(Cuts call)
Dad: hello...huh...hello.

Hardwork and success go hand in hand. Yeah, it reminds of my high school's slogan or something- hardwork crowned with success- that's a fact. The issue then lies in the reality of paying the price to get the prize. Well, it may not be easy and let's remember that Rome wasn't built in a day....

Prov.22.29 - Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.

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This is short but very impactful!

Many times we want immediate results for our actions we take.

But like it is said the day a seed is planted is not the same day it starts germinating, it's also not the day you will get to see the fruits ready for harvest

So we should be patient with ourself as we put in the work.
In due time, it will speak.