Los buenos momentos solo aparecen, se dan, natural como el aire ligero de primavera...son tenues como la cálida luz en las mañanas, los buenos momentos debemos vivirlos, sin miedo, sin forzarlos...vivir viviendo, no vivir sin sentido...eso me decía mi abuelo, jamás le di tanta importancia a sus palabras, palabras que ahora son mi ley de vida, son mi mantra. Hoy los recuerdos vinieron a mi, recuerdos de unos hermosos momentos que hoy les quiero compartir, hoy vivo viviendo, porque estar vivo es algo, pero vivir, es diferente. Gracias abuelo, por dejarme tanto, por brindarme tanto, hoy miro los atardeceres diferente, los veo con tu nombre bordado...
The good moments just appear, they are given, natural as the light spring air...they are tenuous as the warm light in the morning, the good moments we must live them, without fear, without forcing them...live living living, not living without sense...that's what my grandfather told me, I never gave so much importance to his words, words that are now my law of life,
they are my mantra.
Today memories came to me, memories of beautiful moments that today I want to share with you, today I live living, because being alive is something, but living is different.
Thank you grandfather, for leaving me so much, for giving me so much, today I look at the sunsets differently, I see them with your name embroidered...
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Oriana Paoli
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