One of the simple way to be a successful person in life is when you plan. when you set out your schedule work for everyday with accordance to your determination you can achieve your goal. it is a Temporal set that is commonly understood of intented action through which one expect to achieve a goal. A house is not build a day because it is a gradual process guided by individual midset.
When you plan well you can't be stranded and your aim will always be to delighted.
Plan can be subdivided into formal and informal
These is also called structure plan use by more than one person ormultiple people that are mostly presented in the following:
- career
- Economic development project
- sports
- Aunal Agriculture harvest and other in the guidance of other business
Career: it very enssential to plan along with your career for instance 150 numbers of students gain admission into college of Education and in their signing out would be quite low at rate of 100 student that would graduate. This is show that these 100 student plan in their careers while the 50 student that fail didn't plan along with their careers they have to respeat and thorough plan in their career.
Economic development: when the government fall to plan before implement their economic development project they we certainly collapse in their project.however the government have to plan before implementing any project because can't improve the economic without thorough in their plans.
Sports: it's one of the most essential way to carry out exhibition match. They use to say two can't work unless they agree for instance fifa would plan a exhibition match between two opponent now if the two club or country Don't agree to play the match would hold because there's proper planning.
Business plan: A business Man or a firm priorities is to plan which enable them to achieve their daily earning or monthly target once they fail to plan they would meet there target.
Annual Agriculture harvest: if a farmer fail to plan in his beginning of his planting he or she will not harvest well. However those that plan well will harvest in full.
These are plan that exist by individual in all their pursuit of endeavors.
Time frame,breath and specification are the most suitable way to describe this plan However these planning are not independent of one another.
Thanks for your time 💛
It's a really good post. You are very right, planning is necessary in life, because the time comes when projects, whether personal or professional, come upon us.
Thanks I really appreciate