Hi guys ,i have nice and affordable foot wears,do you know how the story began ,i have always loved Snickers, canvas but haven't been able to wear it alot because it is expensive so i have to go for something simple but earlier this year ,i met with a friend who introduced me to selling foot wears, and so far i thank God it's been going well , though i have gotten them i feel happy and relieved that my custemers, friends are patronizing and feel happy ,relieved and satisfied with what they get,any time i get new product i just admire them and post them for my customers to see and get what they like,so i later i also started selling man footwares ,in different sizes and pattern, seeing my customer wearing makes me feel fulfilled..so back to how i started selling those shoes,i saw a particular shoe and i asked for the price when I was told,i exclaimed because it was too much ,so i talked at length with my friend of how ut was expensive that's was how he
Suggested that i started selling online, so that i will be able to make a little change out of it,life has taught me to be patient and observed, and gradually what is yours will locate you,my lifestyle has always been simple and i love it that way and i am trying my possible best to fit in gradually in this world though am still in the university ,i have greater plans for myself ,i want to be a self build woman that's why i try to make ends meet legally the way i can and be contended with what i have.
Buying a shoe from me will really bring a lot things to me money and the eagerness to get more product with the mindset that people are willng to support and patronize what i do , and i do what i do proudly without feeling ashamed if anything because everyone has their own life to live and then accout for.i am going to big, and go into so many business that can make me meet ends meet.i have a family to support now and in the future so to make things easier.
The more i see life , the way i decide on how to face it and how to and adjust to it without worrying of the struggles in it..DETERMINATION is the key and i am obsessed with these, so i see my self in a high-level, doing things properly, though sometimes i feel bad and i want to give up because i don't meet expectation ,yes it's normal for an individual or a person to feel that way but the only thing wrong is when you carry that impression around,it will hold you back and make you small ,not feeling your worth as a person and then lazyness,procastination and all sorts bad thought comes to your mind ,i would strive to be best,be beautiful and be bold hat's the three B square i work with everyday, reassuring myself that i would be good.
Keep working hard.