[Esp-Eng] Amigos Secretos, una Fiesta de Departamento y muchas Risas Necesarias//Secret Pals, a Department Party and a lot of Necessary Laughter

in Lifestylelast month

Hola mis queridos hivers, hoy tuvo lugar la fiesta por el día del educador en mi departamento. La fiesta por cuestiones ajenas a nuestra voluntad fue aplazada pero el día previsto para celebrarla era hoy. Un día antes del 14 de febrero, todos estábamos entusiasmados por la actividad dado que era el espacio perfecto para compartir después de tan ardua labor en el centro. Salí de mi casa y mi vecino tuvo la amabilidad de adelantarme hasta el centro de la ciudad y al llegar allá solo tuve que caminar unas cuadras para llegar al lugar: El Centro de Artes Visuales. Este centro tiene una terraza especial para este tipo de eventos y al ser la primera en llegar pude elegir cómodamente que sitio ocupar.

Hello my dear hivers, today took place the party for the educator's day in my department. The party was postponed for reasons beyond our control, but the scheduled day to celebrate it was today. A day before February 14, we were all excited about the activity since it was the perfect space to share after such hard work at the center. I left my house and my neighbor was kind enough to take me to the center of the city and when I got there I only had to walk a few blocks to get to the place: The Visual Arts Center. This center has a special terrace for this type of events and being the first to arrive I could comfortably choose which place to occupy.

Durante todo el trayecto me acompaño mi fiel amiga y consejera @gretvictcald la cual estaba más entusiasmada que yo por el asunto de los amigos secretos. Cuando nuestra jefa dio inicio a la actividad lo primero fue eso empezar a regalarle su presente a nuestro amigo secreto e ir formando una cadena a la vez para que todos estuviéramos organizados. Lamentablemente, mi amiga secreta no fue pero en otra oportunidad le daré su presente, mientras, que me regalaron un hermoso presente que conservaré durante mucho tiempo. Todos estábamos entusiasmados y cada segundo hacía mayor nuestra euforia por conocer y obsequiar nuestro regalo. Al acabar con esto, la música y el baile se hicieron protagonistas de la actividad, elevando la alegría y el buen humor entre el claustro de profesores.

During the whole journey I was accompanied by my faithful friend and advisor @gretvictcald who was more excited than me about the secret friends thing. When our boss started the activity the first thing was to start giving her present to our secret friend and to form a chain at the same time so that we were all organized. Unfortunately, my secret friend did not go, but I will give her a present some other time, but in the meantime, I was given a beautiful present that I will keep for a long time. We were all excited and every second increased our euphoria to meet and give our gift. At the end of this, music and dancing became the protagonists of the activity, raising the joy and good mood among the faculty.

En un tercer momento repartieron los platos con diversos dulces y refresco para recargar energía y seguir bailando. Es increíble estar rodeada de personas tan sanas y nobles de corazón, es por ello que cada día estoy más agradecida por pertenecer a este hermoso team y compartir vivencias con ellos, tanto buenas como males porque como bien diría Ricardo Arjona: "las nubes grises también forman parte del paisaje."

In a third moment they distributed the plates with various sweets and refreshments to recharge energy and continue dancing. It is incredible to be surrounded by such healthy and noble people of heart, that is why every day I am more grateful to belong to this beautiful team and share experiences with them, both good and bad because as Ricardo Arjona would say: “the gray clouds are also part of the landscape”.

Esta fue la primera actividad de este tipo que tengo con el Departamento y fue un rotundo éxito. Aún no estoy graduada pero al estar impartiendo clases en la universidad y ser ATD ya se nos considera parte del team de profesores. Al inicio fue algo complejo porque siempre el estudiante ve al profesor como esa autoridad llena de conocimientos que lo ayuda en su proceso y el cambio de mentalidad a la hora de verlos como colegas fue algo retador. Esta situación se presentó también con mi compañero el cual tiene mi misma categoría pero con el tiempo hemos aprendido a adorarlos en ambos escenarios. Fue una experiencia única, nuestra primera de muchas, llena de gozo y cariño.

This was the first activity of this type that I have had with the Department and it was a resounding success. I am not a graduate yet, but since I am teaching at the university and I am an ATD, we are already considered part of the teaching team. At the beginning it was somewhat complex because the student always sees the professor as that authority full of knowledge that helps him in his process and the change of mentality at the time of seeing them as colleagues was something challenging. This situation also presented itself with my partner who has my same category but over time we have learned to adore them in both scenarios. It was a unique experience, our first of many, full of joy and affection, this was the first such activity I have had with the Department and it was a resounding success. I am not a graduate yet, but since I am teaching at the university and I am an ATD, we are considered part of the teaching team. At the beginning it was somewhat complex because the student always sees the professor as that authority full of knowledge that helps him in his process and the change of mentality at the time of seeing them as colleagues was something challenging. This situation also presented itself with my partner who has my same category but over time we have learned to adore them in both scenarios. It was a unique experience, our first of many, full of joy and affection.

Todo esto se desarrolló en la mañana y ya a eso de las 12:30 pm me dirigí al trabajo de mi madre porque por la tarde tenía que viajar a La Habana por motivo de la Feria del Libro!!📖😍 Recogí las maletas, me cambié de ropa y me embarqué en mi nueva aventura hacia la capital de todos los cubanos.🇨🇺💖

All this took place in the morning and at about 12:30 pm I went to my mother's work because in the afternoon I had to travel to Havana for the Book Fair! 📖😍 I picked up my bags, changed clothes and embarked on my new adventure to the capital of all Cubans.🇨🇺💖

Gracias por leerme//Thanks for reading my post

La portada fue editada en Canva/Cover edited with Canva

Las fotos fueron tomadas con mi Samsung S10+//Pictures were taken with my own phone Samsung S10+

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)