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RE: Eight Ways to be the Healthiest Version of You

in Lifestyle2 years ago

I love this list ... and there's so much within each piece that could be expanded on in different amazing ways ... like you could combine your workout with Qi Gong or Tai Chi or a yoga practice that brings in flexibility and mindfulness and breath ... intermittent fasting (which is good for certain human design types/blood types/etc) with simple things like warm water with honey and a pinch of turmeric for inflammation or drinking enough water to fully hydrate you at whatever weight you are at ... cold plunges - FOR SURE! we do them every morning! add with them breathing techniques like Wim Hof talks about! Mindfulness - gratitude journaling and simple 5 minute exercises with the 5 senses to have moments fully in the present and using your Akashic Records to record those simple moments ... Insight Timer is fantastic! There are some really great Yoga nidra scripts and guided meditations for 30 minute power naps that will rejuvenate your entire body and mind ... journaling with just 20 minutes a day to let your mind drip free from it's cage a bit ... quality sleep, again Yoga nidra is perfect to enhance you brain wave states and whole foods, from the earth, organic and nutritious ... but also mindful eating to combine the mindfulness with the Whole Foods!