Un pedacito de mi vida durante el mes de octubre ♡ | A little piece of my life during the month of October ♡

in Lifestyle3 months ago

Recap october 1.png

Hoy les quiero compartir un poco sobre lo que fue este mes de octubre.

La verdad es que comenzó bastante bien y con mucho entusiasmo, pues a finales de mes iba a tener una presentación de baile junto a mi hermana, por lo que nos teníamos que poner en marcha para sacar un buen baile. 😳

Today I want to share with you a little bit about this month of October.

The truth is that it started quite well and with a lot of enthusiasm, because at the end of the month I was going to have a dance presentation with my sister, so we had to get going to get a good dance.😳

Las canciones y el mix estaban listos, lo único que nos faltaba era perfeccionar el baile, peroo por cuestiones de trabajo se me complicaron las practicas y eso me puso super nerviosa, ya que eran coreografías masculinas de kpop y por lo general son muy fuertes, obviamente las que elegimos no estaban para nada lejos de esto. No me lo van a creer gente, se nos ocurrió la brillante idea de cambiar el baile UNA SEMANA ANTES de la presentación, semana que por cierto estuvo super super fuerte, pero al final lo logramos. La presentación quedó bastante bien para haberla aprendido en una semana (recalco aquí que no es la primera vez que lo hacemos).😅

The songs and the mix were ready, the only thing we needed to do was to perfect the dance, but due to work issues the practices were complicated and that made me super nervous, since they were male kpop choreographies and they are usually very strong, obviously the ones we chose were not far from this at all. You won't believe me people, we came up with the brilliant idea of changing the dance ONE WEEK BEFORE the performance, a week that by the way was super strong, but in the end we did it. The presentation turned out pretty good for having learned it in a week (I emphasize here that this is not the first time we do it).😅

El día del evento fue bastante tranquilo, hubieron más presentaciones y algunas competencias, yo participé solo en dos, adivina la canción y adivina la coreografía, fueron muy divertidas.

The day of the event was quite calm, there were more presentations and some competitions, I participated in only two, guess the song and guess the choreography, they were a lot of fun.

Recap october 2.png

Otra cosa cool que paso este mes fue que tuve un fin de semana llena de pautas fotográficas, desde hace un tiempo tenía ganas de participar y ayudar en el detrás de escena y algunas cositas de producción, aunque la del día sábado nos la cancelaron llegando al lugar, las del día viernes y domingo, estuvieron muy muy buenas, en la del día viernes me reí muchísimo, ya que los modelos eran amigos de mi mejor amiga y era muy chistosos, el día sábado aprovechamos que estábamos en la playa y sacamos algunas fotitos que quedaron divinas y nos fuimos a comer helado en MC Donals, y el domingo estuve en un estudio fotográfico junto a mis compañeros de la agencia, si chicxs estoy en otra agencia de marketing, las fotos y videos quedaron muy lindas, lástima que aún no las puedo compartir.🙂📸

Another cool thing that happened this month was that I had a weekend full of photographic guidelines, for some time I wanted to participate and help in the behind the scenes and some little things of production, although the one on Saturday was canceled arriving to the place, the ones on Friday and Sunday, were very good, on Friday I laughed a lot, because the models were friends of my best friend and it was very funny, on Saturday we took advantage that we were on the beach and we took some pictures that were divine and we went to eat ice cream at MC Donals, on Saturday we took advantage that we were on the beach and we took some pictures that were divine, Saturday we took advantage that we were at the beach and took some pictures that were divine and we went to eat ice cream at MC Donals, and Sunday I was in a photo studio with my colleagues from the agency, yes chicxs I am in another marketing agency, the photos and videos were very nice, too bad I still can not share them.🙂📸

En general, me gusto el desarrollo de mi vida este mes, claramente hubo días estresantes y un poco negativos, pero como siempre les di la vuelta para que no me afectaran y no dañaran las buenas energías que venía recolectando, tuve buenas oportunidades y experiencias llenas de mucho aprendizaje. 🤗

In general, I liked the development of my life this month, clearly there were stressful and a little negative days, but as always I turned them around so that they did not affect me and did not damage the good energies that I had been collecting, I had good opportunities and experiences full of learning. 🤗

¿Algo que agradecer?

Tener buena salud, contar con el apoyo de mi familia y seres queridos para cualquier cosa que se me presente. Y que no me falta nada. 💜

Espero que hayan tenido lindo mes de octubre y que noviembre esté lleno de muchas bendiciones y nuevas oportunidades.💫

Something to be thankful for?

Being in good health, having the support of my family and loved ones for anything that comes my way. And that I lack nothing.💜

I hope you had a great October and that November is filled with many blessings and new opportunities.💫


  • La traducción del texto fue hecho a través Cambridge
  • El diseño de la portada fue hecho en Canva

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