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RE: ▶️

in Lifestyle13 days ago (edited)

If we purely remain in our lower chakras & instinctual nature we are no longer Humans and are just ordinary mammals. We are Hue-Man (Light-Manifestations) & have the ability to transcend our shadow aspect once you awaken from all the negative programming of our cultures & societies by forces that wish to divide & conquer the masses. Therefore I think you are wrong, instinct is NOT everything. We have a choice. Peace, love, unity, respect for all Sovereign Beings. Namaste.


I disagree with this. Creativity, art, and thinking are all part of the structure of instinct, needs, and survival. Can you think without the structure of the five senses? No. Can you say that data magically enters the brain? No, because chemical hormones in the body are converted into codes for the brain... The brain, like a machine, constructs them. It follows the brain's structure. If you were inside a large white box, could you still say you are thinking? No. What a person feels beyond their thoughts is also the work of the brain. All dreams, all thoughts, even the sixth sense follow this rule. With a small blow to the cerebellum, everything is erased. Imagine you are a metaphysical scientist and this happens to you. Is there still something? No. Humans are constantly searching for the meaning of life, but there is no meaning.

Liberation comes when you realize that having no meaning gives you the opportunity to create your own reality/meaning. The physical body or Avatar is a vehicle that lets your Soul operate in the 3rd Dimension/Density. Therefore your emotions, brain, electrochemical signals, & instincts are all part of the body's operating system. But you may override them with practice. If your body gets destroyed, your electromagnetic soul moves on. But if you prefer to live in a state of misery in how you perceive reality rather than meditate and look within to find your truth, that's a decision we all have to make for ourselves during our existence here, do we feed into Shadow or foster the Light within ourselves? I choose my own Sovereign Light rather than being a tool for manipulation & division. Science & Spirituality compliment one another not divide.