Hello Hive Friends!
Today I want to share a story about my activities as a volunteer at one of the NGOs in Jakarta, Indonesia. This NGO has been one of the best and most famous for years. This NGO is called KITA BISA. They often hold campaigns for donors or volunteers to help foster children, the elderly, protected animals, and other noble activities.
Starting from a post on social media that actively displayed the kindness of this NGO, I was interested in joining the campaign that they routinely hold. Because the quota is limited, I have to "war quota" to be able to join and participate. Usually, they only need 20-25 volunteers for each campaign.
After sorting and selecting the scheduled campaigns, I finally got a quota for a campaign themed Batik and Reading Books with foster children from Mizan Amanah Pondok Bambu Orphanage Jakarta. I was very happy and excited to immediately join the campaign.
When the day arrived, I had prepared myself even the day before, preparing everything needed for the event. I, who live in North Jakarta, used a motorbike to go to the foundation's location in East Jakarta.
I rode my motorbike for about 1 hour, with the usual heavy traffic conditions. With my Honda Beat, I drove at normal speed, accompanied by an enthusiastic heart towards the location. Thanks to the help of navigation, I managed to arrive at the location on time.
Upon arriving at the location, I was warmly welcomed by the foundation's management and the committee responsible for the event.
After all the volunteers were present, we were asked to gather and sit in a circle to attend a briefing. The goal was for the event to run smoothly, according to plan, and full of joy and blessings. I, who was sitting right opposite one of the committee members, focused on listening to the directions and tasks that I had to do. Meanwhile, the documentation team was busy taking pictures and videos to capture the moment.
In the briefing, we were given the task of guiding and accompanying one foster child each. We would make batik and read books together.
When the first event started, the atmosphere felt very warm and cheerful. The laughter and jokes of the foster siblings made us happy and touched at the same time, witnessing their strength in facing a world without parents. Their laughter and jokes made me realize that life only needs to be lived with happiness and gratitude.
The event began with the Ram Pam Pam dance, which made the foster siblings and volunteers become closer. Every now and then we looked at each other and laughed together. It became a beautiful memory for me and the others.
We made batik with the materials that had been prepared. Each foster sibling was accompanied by a volunteer. I got the part to accompany a foster sibling named Elsa. This beautiful little girl was very cheerful and excited when she found out that I would accompany her to make batik. With her cheerful laughter, Elsa hugged me and looked for a comfortable place to make batik. I spontaneously followed her.
Elsa and I sat facing each other to make it easier to make batik. First, the committee gave us a set of batik tools, consisting of a canting, colored ink, water, and a canvas that had been engraved with a picture pattern. We were given 1 hour to complete the work. After everything was ready, we started to make batik, slowly applying ink with a canting so that it would not spill and remained in accordance with the pattern on the canvas.
In this session, we were divided into small groups consisting of 5 foster children and 5 volunteers, so that there were a total of 10 people per group. We gathered, and the volunteers took turns reading books to the foster children in cheerful voices and tones. We did some movements and a little acting to make the story feel more real and interesting.
While reading the book, occasionally the foster children laughed and asked about things in the reading book. This was a challenge for me, because I had to explain it simply so that they understood.
After making batik and reading the book, it was time to give prizes to the foster children who did batik very well. Several foster children were very enthusiastic to hear the announcement of the winners, hoping that their names would be called.
After the 3rd and 2nd place winners were called, who would have thought that the 1st place winner was Elsa, the foster child who made batik with me earlier! She was so excited and happy to walk forward to get the prize. Before returning to the place, we were asked to take a picture together.
After all the events were finished, we had dinner together with grilled chicken and fresh milk. We sat together, eating while chatting and sharing stories about our respective activities. Time passed without us realizing it, until finally we had to go home, and the event officially ended.
Becoming a volunteer in a campaign is actually not only to make other people happy, but also to make yourself happy. I get happiness that I never got out there, but I can feel it here. By becoming a volunteer who helps and makes other people happy, our hearts are also happy. Making other people happy is the same as making ourselves happy. 😊
Thank you for reading my blog, see you in the next post ~
Best Regards,
Tina K Harnis.
Who is Tina K Harnis?
Welcome to Tina K Harnis's little room. She is a girl who is learning to write. She likes to do new and interesting things. She likes traveling, singing and dancing. Lately she has started to love the world of cooking, trying new recipes and sharing it on social media. She is not a celebrity but she wants others to know her well.
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congratulations, very good cause for the benefit of the community
I feel proud and happy too
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