My process of learning Arabic (and I recommend a language learning app)

in Lifestyle3 months ago

Hello beautiful community 🤍 I hope you are well, I would like to tell you a little bit of my process learning this language that has taken me green gray hairs 🥲 but I like it very much, and I dedicate much of my time

Since I was a child I was very curious and interested in everything related to Arabic culture, but it never crossed my mind to learn the language because it seemed very difficult so I did not even consider it a possibility.

Until at the end of last year (2023) I said well, why shouldn't I be able to, and I decided to take the plunge.**

Before I continue I want to talk about the app Busuu, and recommend it a lot if you are interested in learning languages, it is an app in which in addition to learning, has a very large community of speakers of many languages, then you must do exercises (oral or written to your choice) and are sent to this community, where natives of the language you are learning can make corrections, and you can correct the exercises of those who are learning your language or another language you master, you can also make friends and help each other outside the app (be careful, if you want to share your networks or number with someone be cautious, you never know) I made two friendships that I still have and they have been a great support.


Ok I continue, I started alone with YouTube videos, until a friend recommended me the app I mentioned before, I spent two or three months learning this way, and I wasted that time 🤡, since formal Arabic was very difficult for me and without anyone to correct me I said some nonsense that my Arab friends stayed like that 🤨 🤨.

Then in January of this year I started looking for a teacher by Google, I found her, and started classes with her, she has been an amazing person and very kind to me ❤️

There is the formal or standard Arabic, and the dialects, which are the way each country speaks it, and they are quite different one from the other, my teacher is Lebanese so I am learning the Lebanese dialect 🇱🇧

I share with you two videos (both with spanish subtitles)

I will leave you the link of the first video I uploaded speaking in Arabic, there I introduced myself, said the numbers and days of the week ⬇️

And I leave you the second one that was when I had already advanced a little more, and I said the colors, and some foods and drinks ⬇️

Something that I am very grateful for is that many people were very kind to me in the comments of these videos, and encouraged me to continue.

I am not a professional but a tip that I would really like to share with you and that I use in every language I learn, is to write things as I hear them, no matter if it is not the correct form.

Here are some examples in Arabic 🤍:

  • hello: Márjaba
  • how are you?: Kifak (para hombre) Kifik (para mujer)
  • fine and you?: tamen, wua enta? (Para hombre) Tamen, wua enti (para mujer)
  • thank you: Shukran
  • you are welcome: Tikram (para hombre) Tikrami (para mujer)

Then I started to upload videos singing in Arabic. Here is one of them 🎶🎤

(If you would like me to upload a post with the lyrics of the song written as it is pronounced I would be happy to do it 🥹 )

And thank God I advanced but not with writing 😅, because of laziness or fear that it is quite difficult, until not long ago my teacher "scolded" me for speaking but still not knowing how to read or write, and that's what I've been spending a lot of time these days, writing the fruits, questions or basic words and the days of the week, here I leave some pictures of how my writing goes ✍🏻📜📝

And so I keep learning it step by step, if you got here thank you very much for taking the time to read me, I appreciate it very much because if there is something priceless is time, I hope you have a nice day 🤍.