De compras en el D1/ Shopping in D1/ ESP-

in Lifestyle10 days ago


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Hola hola amigos, hoy tocó hacer un mercadito rápido por eso mi cara de mal dormida, jeje, he estado sufriendo de insomnio y eso me afecta bastante, para mí rendimiento del día a día.

En fin, mamá saca fuerzas de donde no las hay así que nos fuimos todos en familia a hacer las compras! Cómo siempre buscando la economía nos fuimos a D1. y mi bebé con su papá feliz y contento. 😅

Hello hello friends, today I had to do a quick shopping spree that's why I look like I was sleeping poorly, hehe, I've been suffering from insomnia and it affects me a lot, for my day-to-day performance.

Anyway, mom gets strength from where there is none, so we all went shopping as a family! As always, looking for the best economy, we went to D1. And my baby and his dad were happy and content. 😅

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