Hey, I really appreciate your post formatting. Sometimes, I need to add more than 1 image and it's messy. I once even did 6 images once from grindan post formatting. This once again reminded me to continue working more and more on how my posts looks to audience.
Nice post too. Enjoy your ice-creams before they melt Hahaha
Oh my, thank you. It feels good when my effort into making my article is well appreciated by someone. The time spent on it are so worth it, hehe. And doing this is what makes my article look neat 😊😊✨. Thank youuuuu7 😊. You should continue doing that. The results will be amazing. Hehe
I do put a lot of effort into formatting too, so I appreciate it and can see how time-consuming it is. However, we still continue to work on it for a pleasing visual experience.
EXTRA STEP to change image size without compromising quality:
Place the following in front of your image URL:
and change the '400' to some other number (500, or 700, or whatever) until it looks right in the preview in proportion to the rest of the page. So, for instance, if your image is:
You would make it say:
https://images.hive.blog/400x0/https://peakd.com/image-123.jpg ```<div><a href="https://engage.hivechain.app">![](https://i.imgur.com/XsrNmcl.png)</a></div>