It's Caturday. And I want to introduce you to mimi sugar / Es el Caturday. Y quiero presentarles a mimi sugar - EN/ES

in Caturday3 years ago


Mimi came into our life at the age of two months, my husband found her in a lonely street, she was starving, had little fur and some burns, as my husband saw her in this terrible condition he assumed she didn't have a home and decided to bring her home. At first, we thought she was a male and named her jerry and she was called jerry for a week until we realized she was a female and then I named her Mimi and my husband named her sugar. I loved her from the first moment I saw her and every day I love her more.

Mimi llego a nuestra vida a la edad de dos meses, mi esposo se la encontró en una calle solitaria, estaba hambrienta, tenia escaso pelaje y algunas quemaduras, como mi esposo la vio en estas terribles condiciones supuso que no tenia un hogar y decidió traerla a casa. Al principio pesamos que era macho y le pusimos jerry y se llamo jerry por una semana hasta que nos dimos cuenta que era una hembrita y entonces yo le puse el nombre mimi y mi esposo le puso sugar. La quise desde el primer momento en que la vi y todos los días la quiero mas.

When Mimi arrived she settled in very quickly, and on her first day, she already had a favorite place.

Mimi cuando llego se acomodo muy rápido, y en su primer día ya tenia un lugar favorito


Her presence in our home has made us very happy, and of course, we also try to give her all the love and affection she deserves, with all the care she deserves.
It has been 9 months since her arrival and she has given us a nice surprise: she is going to be a mother! I am very anxious to meet her kittens.

Su presencia en nuestro hogar es gratificante tenerla nos ha hecho muy felices y claro nosotros también tratamos de darle todo el amor y cariño que se merece contando con todos los cuidados.
Ya han pasado 9 meses desde su llegada y nos ha dado una linda sorpresa ¡¡va a ser madre!! Estoy muy ansiosa por conocer a sus gatitos

Mimi like all cats likes to sleep, play with the boxes and eat. She is a very active cat although now that she is pregnant she spends all day sleeping.
as you can see in the picture this is her favorite sleeping position, I think it's because her belly is already a little heavy and also these days have been very hot.

Mimi como todo gato le gusta dormir jugar con las cajas y comer. es una gata muy activa aunque ahora como esta embarazada se la pasa todo el día durmiendo.
como pueden apreciar en la foto esa es su posición favorita para dormir, pienso que es porque ya la pancita le pesa un poco y también estos días han sido calurosos


Mimi is wonderful and very soon I will be sharing more about her and also when she has her kittens.

Mimi es maravillosa y muy pronto les estaré compartiendo mas sobre ella y tambien cuando tenga a sus gatito


I hope you have a happy weekend !!!!

Espero que tengas un feliz fin de semna!!

I hope you have wonderful Caturday!.png


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Awwwww…she is beautiful!
Happy Caturday!

thank you very much,
the same to you!

how beautiful is Mimi sugar !!! 😍😍 How good that your husband was able to find her in time, thank you for providing a loving place! I hope to see the adventures of Mimi sugar and her babies 🥰🥰🥰

Thank you very much!!!
I will be uploading content with Mimi's experiences very soon, and when she has her kittens I will also be happy to introduce them to you.

aw !! What a thrill!! I adore baby cats !!! it will be nice to see them grow! I'm waiting excited 🥰🥰🥰🥰

Qué bella!!!!!!!!!!!!

Por cierto, yo quiero un nieto!!!


my husband and i estimate that there are approximately four kittens. three families have already committed to us to adopt mimi's kittens, with you there would be four, that makes me very happy !!!!

mi esposo y yo calculamos que aproximadamente son cuatro gatitos. tres familias se han comprometido ya con nosotros para adoptar a los gatitos de mimi, contigo serian cuatro eso me alegra mucho!!!!

You and your husband are soon going to be “grandparents”. It’s a good thing your husband did by bringing Mimi home. I wish her triplets 😀

truly mimi has been such a blessing, and we are very anxious to meet your kittens.
Thank you for your words!!!