The story about Milica

in Caturday3 years ago

Hello cat lovers, I have just subscribed the group and this is my intro post.
sad content alert
I live in the house with the yard and had 6 cats until some days ago, when my favorite one joined the cat heaven.
This is a short story about Milica, my rip post for the beloved creature that I am still mourning :(


Her life was painful from the very beginning - something was wrong and mother rejected her, did not want to feed or do anything that cat mothers do for their babies. I was very sorry, could not let her die, so took her and manage to make her strong enough for normal feeding and walking. Now I am thinking if that was good thing to do, maybe she was suffering all the time, maybe I should have not interfere with nature...but in that time, just could not let her die.

Day by day, she was growing and getting stronger. Unfortunately, never had normal cat life; never played with other cats, not even humans, just me and my father from time to time. Did not let us pet her most of the time, was afraid of everything. So, (unlike other cats) I let her spend time and sleep in the house, was picking different food, rich with everything that should support her immune system, and protected her form other cats.
Until one recent night when she wanted to go out (not unusual) and did not come back. In the morning, her body with no soul was lying in the corner of the yard. And just like that, it was over; everything; fears, sadness, happiness if she ever was able to feel it (sometimes she did look happy). Over for her.
For me, still have 5 more cuties to take care of :)

What do you think, should have I let her die as a baby? Nothing can be changed now but for some future cat-saving adventures I might decide not to interfere.

A song for goodbye I,m sorry I was not holding your paw while you were leaving :crycrycry:


Hard to decide. As humans we constantly interfere with nature, live our whole lives sometimes against nature (sitting whole days in chairs) and force other creatures to do the same (e.g. all those terrible dog races with too short legs to walk and run, etc.). So I guess you did right and at least allowed Milica some good time.

Milica 🤗