Greetings marvelous Felines and Hoomans of Hivelandia and surrounding communities!
Yes, it's CATURDAY again, so time for some more cat pictures, and time for another chapter in the Cat Files.
Well, I FIT in the basket, right?
In the "Old" Days...
Interestingly enough, the first cat related content that inspired me on Hive's predecessor was an account called @thecatfiles, from which the Dad Hooman got the idea to have a dedicated cat blog for me!
Alas, that particular account turned out to be part of some "dubious shenanigans" and ended up becoming inactive.
These days, there's a lot more activity in the area of pets on Hive, along with quite a few people who regularly share posts featuring their cats. Perhaps the most dedicated is @manorvillemike and his extensive feline crew!
We also have cat-related communities (see the bottom of this post) as well as the general Hive Pets Community which often includes many cat posts.
At times I'd rather watch the birds outside, instead of blogging...
More Community Building Thoughts...
As we are now well into Hive's 2nd year of existence, it has become quite clear that our Communities are an increasingly important part of the landscape.
The many different "tribal tokens" traded on Hive-Engine also makes it possible for us to "get a bit extra" from our blogging efforts... especially if we happen to have an interest that's a perfect match for the niche a community serves.
I suppose there are many opinions about so-called "alt accounts" but I find that they make sense when applied properly.
For example, writing about financial issues and micro investing doesn't really fit a cat blog, but is quite appropriate for a community like LeoFinance... where I would never dream of posting a Caturday update. You just have to exercise good judgment.
Always something to look at!
A Quick Shoutout to @phoenixwren!
In the "congratulations department," I wanted to send a quick shoutout to fellow cat lover @phoenixwren who recently made it to "Dolphin" status here on Hive!
Well done on reaching that milestone! It's quite an accomplishment when your entire stake was earned via post creation and curation.
I'm very good at helping with paperwork!
Speaking of milestones: This also happens to be my own 400th top level post... woo-hoo! Let's hear it for cat blogging!
And that's about it for this sunny Caturday! The Hoomans are having a fairly low key weekend and are taking a break from working... and that leaves the house with a nice relaxed atmosphere; excellent for napping!
Thanks for stopping by, and have a great remainder of your Caturday!
Love Cats? Get Involved in Hive's Cat Communties!
If you're a cat lover and often/sometimes post pictures or other content that includes your feline friends, why not become an active part of Hive's growing Cat Communities?
These are some of the more active Cat Communities — why not join them ALL? Remember, you can also "cross-post" your cat posts to them!
HiveCats by @curatorcat is a central "gathering place" for cat content on Hive; promoting the use of the #hivecats tag for feline content!
Cat Snaps by @manorvillemike is a place to post pictures of your cats when you don't have a whole lot to say beyond just sharing your cute photos!
Caturday Community by @saboin is a community where we get to celebrate posts relating to Saturday — aka "Caturday" — our own special day!
Cat Photos by @andrarchy is a "mixed use" cat content community; posts can be just photos or longer, as long as the subject is CATS! It has a lot of subscribers but is not very active.
Cats by @captainklaus (and Sissi!) is another "general" cat content community; it's there, but not very active.
Last, but certainly not least, a special shoutout to the recently formed Hive Pets Community which has become quite active and has quite a bit of cat content!
There are a number of other feline communities listed on Hive, but I am not sharing them for now as they have not had any activity (by their Admins OR users) since the Steem/Hive fork. Updates as they become available!
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Aww, thanks CC! Happy Caturday, and purrs from our family to yours! :)
You're welcome!
what a beautiful cat! Thanks to him, all the work is done as it should be 🥰
Thank you @suezoe, proper supervision is very important!