This little fella needed some TLC

in Caturday10 months ago (edited)

Today my dad discovered a little kitten as we were heading out to run some errands. We found him crying loudly on the front porch of the empty house across from us.

The first my dad noticed was the condition of this little fella's eye. So we brought him into the house to clean him up.

His eye was was looking pretty bad, and we were honestly worried that he might've lost it. He was not feeling good at all.

Yet after cleaning it with a warm clean cloth. We were relieved to see him open eye slightly. Though he seemed pretty weak. We gave some water, and set him up a temporary bed.

I put together a basic chicken broth, and fed it to him through a syringe. Though he was not a fan of the syringe. He much more lively now. I cleaned his eye again with a clean warm towel, and gave him a little more broth.

That's him snuggled up in the blankets next to me as I finish this blog. Not entirely sure what his future holds, but for now he's sleeping peacefully.

All images used in this blog are mine, and we taken using my one plus 7 pro.


The poor little guy. I am so happy you discovered him and will take care of his eye. Keep us updated with his progress.

Yeah. It's been a little rough for him but he's tough little dude.

Lucky kitten! Hope he’ll be stronger and healthier soon.

He's a tough little guy, slowly getting better