What a super model that cat is, look at the sensual and seductive face it made 😍 it looks like it was born to be a star of photography and become the next cover of “Cat time” magazine haha ❤️ And on top of that, it looks like its fur moves in the wind, what a nice effect 😲
Cat time magazine? 😻 Oh, yes and I could be a photographer for that magazine? Hahaha... I would love a job like that, travelling and photographing all over the world, not only purring cats, but models of all kinds with feathers and fluff too hahaha... 🤣😂
You will be the professional and exclusive photographer for all the feathered, furry, fluffy and hairy friends 😍
Que estés disfrutando de un hermoso día.
Igualmente, bonito domingo 🦉❤️