I can't have a kitty where I live so I have to settle for voyeuristic vicariousness (read: Auntiedom). Thx so much for this. They turned out to be such great grownup cats. But I wish they'd heeded my commands not to get big... they were so eensy! Seems like just yesterday, you could hold one in a little ball in the palm of your hand.
On a totally other note, I searched giphy for "cute tiny cat" and this is what came up first. I don't know why this was the top result. It just was. So I'm putting it here because, well... I'll never be able to unsee it and you're entirely to blame. Now you will never be able to unsee it either. No good deed, right?
Ahhhh you are just the gift that keeps on giving! Now where's my eye bleach?
The internet is a cruel place. Bad things happen to good people.