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RE: Shadow 😺

in Caturday9 months ago

Welcome to Hive.

To confirm your authorship of the content, could you please mention Hive blog in your Instagram profile?


You can remove this mention, once we confirm the authorship.

Thank you.

More Info: Introducing Identity/Content Verification Reporting & Lookup


I already did it in instagram


We cannot find the verification.


To confirm your authorship of the content, could you please mention the Hive blog in your Instagram profile?

You can remove this mention, once we confirm the authorship.

Thank you.

Can u kindly explain in detail,
Did u mean I should post this link

In my Instagram profile


Yes, you could do this.
Thank you

I did it, kindly check once

Kindly check in my Instagram account as soon as possible, I have included the link in insta story, it will dissappear within 24 hours

Kindly see in insta stories, I have posted and linked to this site, kindly see as soon as possible and kindly msg me back, becoz stories will only be there for 24 hour period in insta. thank you