Baguee en 3 fotos[Eng-Esp]Baguee in 3 photos

in Caturday2 months ago

Hola amantes de los gatos

Bienvenidos a mi blog

Hello cat lovers

Welcome to my blog


Hoy les vengo compartir 3 fotos y algo más de mi gatita Baguee. Creo que ya les he comentado que mi gatita es una bola de pelos muy rutinaria, pero estos últimos dias ha llovido bastante, cosa que ha alterado su rutina.

Today I want to share with you 3 pictures and some more of my kitty Baguee. I think I have already told you that my kitty is a very routine furball, but these last few days it has rained a lot, which has altered her routine.

Ella sale de casa a tempranas horas del día, va al jardín a explorar, pero como ha llovido no ha salido temprano como siempre lo hace. Y se pone de mal humor, decide seguir durmiendo.

She leaves the house in the early hours of the day, goes to the garden to explore, but since it has rained she has not left early as she always does. And she gets into a bad mood, she decides to keep sleeping.

Pero cuando deja de llover aprovecha y sale inmediatamente de casa, momento en los que aprovecho y le tomo fotos como estás que les muestro hoy.

But when it stops raining, he takes advantage of it and leaves the house immediately, when I take pictures of him like the ones I show you today.



Me encanta tomarle fotos a mi gatita, a veces se me hace muy fácil porque ella es muy buena modelo, a veces no es tarea sencilla porque anda muy inquieta.

I love taking pictures of my kitty, sometimes it is very easy because she is a very good model, sometimes it is not an easy task because she is very restless.

Como siempre digo ella es mi maestra Zen! Su compañía es un eterno koan.

As I always say she is my Zen master! Her company is an eternal koan.

Creo que los gatos son pequeños monjes zen que tenemos en casa y que amarlos es muy facil.

I believe that cats are little zen monks that we have at home and that loving them is very easy.

Gracias por visitar mi blog

Thank you for visiting my blog


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The images are property of the author.