Lo de ser madre gatuna no esta nada facil, alimentar a 4 gaticos, que ademas se comen tu comida de adulta y se toman tu agua, no es nada facil, esta es la historia de matilda, una madre semi soltera, que enfrenta el desafio de sacar adelante una familia de 4 gaticos.
"Being a cat mother is not easy at all, feeding 4 cats, who also eat your adult food and drink your water, is not easy at all, this is the story of Matilda, a semi-single mother, who faces the challenge to raise a family of 4 cats."
Este es su día a día, uno de ellos, estaba en una posición inusual, de hecho es un gato inusual, es el mas atrevido de todos pero también el mas pequeño, mientras bebía la leche me miraba fijamente, como observando que iba a hacer, cuando sintió que podía ser una amenaza en contra de el, soltó la teta y estaba en una posición de carrera.
This is their daily life, one of them was in an unusual position, in fact he is an unusual cat, he is the most daring of all but also the smallest, while he was drinking the milk he looked at me intently, as if observing what I was going to do. When he felt that it could be a threat against him, he let go of the breast and was in a running position."
Me logre acercar, el no sintió mas peligro y se relajo, recostado en uno de los costado de su madre, me dejaba fotografiarlo, porque solo con el era la cosa.
"I managed to get closer, he didn't feel any more danger and he relaxed, lying on one of his mother's sides, he let me photograph him, because it was only with him."
Pronto dirán adiós, son un grupo de gaticos, todos con una personalidad espectacular, espero que les vaya bien, saludos a todos y que tengan una feliz semana gatuna!
"Soon they will say goodbye, they are a group of cats, all with a spectacular personality, I hope they do well, greetings to all and have a happy cat week!"