Guiño para la buena suerte

in Caturday2 months ago


Hoy saliendo de mi casa conseguí este gatico montado en una pared, parece ser su lugar para cuidar la zona, me acerque y no quise asustarlo, ya que a los lados quedaban cercas eléctricas y no quería que por asustarse se tropezara con algo de eso, cerro los ojos cuando le tome la foto, me miraba con curiosidad, le desee buena suerte, supongo que el a mi también lo hizo

"Today leaving my house I found this kitten mounted on a wall, it seems to be his place to take care of the area, I approached and I didn't want to scare him, since there were electric fences on the sides and I didn't want him to trip over something because he was scared, He closed his eyes when I took the photo, he looked at me curiously, I wished him good luck, I guess he did it to me too.


Ya en la noche, caminando conseguí a este gatico calicó que dormía en plena calle, lo llame volteo para la foto, creo que estaba escuchando algún chisme haciéndose el dormido, pero al final logre retratarlo.

"At night, while walking, I found this calico cat that was sleeping in the middle of the street. I called it "turning around" for the photo. I think it was listening to some gossip pretending to be asleep, but in the end I managed to photograph it."


Íbamos por un café, seleccionando la mesa que nos quedara lejos del sol, una estaba ocupada por este señor gato, que le tocaba su hora de baño y su hora de dormir, justo cuando a nosotros se nos antojo tomarnos un café y justo en la cafetería donde a el le gusta dormir

"We were going for a coffee, selecting the table that was far from the sun, one was occupied by this cat, who had his bath time and his bed time, just when we wanted to have a coffee and right in the cafeteria where he likes to sleep"


Literal aquí me decía "¿que me ves humano?"

"Literally here he told me "What you see me human?"


Ya en este punto se estaba quedando dormido, estaba el sol en una posición donde no le llegaba directamente, había una brisa muy fresca, había terminado su baño y la superficie fría de la mesa se le antojaba.

Esta semana compartí los gatos que el camino me puso, siempre algo de suerte nos dejan, espero repartirla con ustedes, feliz caturday!

"At this point he was already falling asleep, the sun was in a position where it did not reach him directly, there was a very cool breeze, he had finished his bath and the cold surface of the table seemed to him.

This week I shared the cats that the road gave me, they always leave us some luck, I hope to share it with you, happy caturday!"